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Everything posted by Reni

  1. yeah I had the same prediction Edie....I predicted 2-1 for the Sox/Cards too.....but wow, that wasn't meant to be.
  2. you watched Cubs announcers? WGN had Hawk and DJ (not that they are stellar commentators or anything) Cliff Politte !@&^!*^%*&%$
  3. I always have pronounced it "pen-shant" but I am from the midwest and totally not sophisticated
  4. I will never understand the Cubs fans penchant for trashing their own stadium. *shrug*
  5. McCarthy looks freakishly tall at the plate
  6. right....Green Mill is the 23rd (Sunday) and we should be able to make Von on the 25th too.
  7. It went relatively well....the guys we had helping were fantastic. We are still digging through things, though are aaaaalmost finished. And the 23rd? I am SO THERE!!!
  8. Graham and I should be able to come. Em will be at camp the last two weeks of July - so we won't have any parent curfews!! And now we can stay out late and drive, since we can park outside of our new place 24/7
  9. Hey I never called Wrigley a big klan rally - but I did tire of the people behind be calling Cardinals players racially dergoatory terms. I would say Wrigley is more like a big frat house hazing party.
  10. I was just over on the Sox forum, and there are a lot of apologists and I left my 2 cents......you guys happy now??
  11. What do you want me to say that hasn't already been said? He said something really stupid and really shitty? Because he did. Do I think what he said was right? No. Do I find that kind of language disgusting? Yes. Am I embarassed that this man runs the team which I have grown to love dearly? FUCK YEAH. Is using the word fag as bad as the Cubs fans behind me calling So Taguchi a ch**k and other Cardinals players ni**ers? Yup. What else do you want me to say? I think his excuses are fucking laughable.....which is why I joined in with the joking. That whole, "I go to WNBA games" is hilario
  12. who? wha? how am I being a hypocrite?? where I come from Ozzie just called the guy a cigarette!
  13. I think I saw that same group of people at a Melissa Etheridge concert too!!
  14. I can totally see Ozzie hanging with all those drunk trixies and duders sharing in their mutual disdain for people of color and homosexuals..... it would be a total love fest!
  15. what is up with the Sox handing the Cardinals their asses AGAIN??? this is just insane!
  16. I will always love this man. I also had a thing for Steve Jones - though he is pretty icky now. a guy I dated plays footy (soccer) with him nowadays in some league in LA.....
  17. I am definitely holding out for another bench clearing brawl.......the Sox better watch out. Prior might throw a towel at someone
  18. yeah I knew they lost - I was being a snot. Ozzie just got tossed...... I am looking forward to the Sox/Cubs series. Joe Crede!! wow....20-2
  19. well, at this point it is just painful....a Sox win over the Cards is fine with me, but this is just crazy. asteroid.....sheesh. How'd the Cubs do tonight?
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