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Everything posted by Iglesia

  1. My wife loves how the lights change in concert to the reds and yellow's of the song. She's funny that way!
  2. And kidsmoke, you get my chair, as I think you're a great hostess.
  3. Hey, Mikael J., if you're reading this onstage, how about getting the guys to dedicate one to us VC'ers, maybe "too far apart", 'cause, like, we are right now. Brian
  4. Congrats on 1000, hope you have many, many more! I'll drink to that
  5. I keep thinking of the "ashtray says" written above the door in "Chelsea Walls"......what you once were isn't what you want to be anymoree...............
  6. Everything is breaking....and it lifts my heart........ to see you as an angel, a ghostly, work of art....
  7. Tweedy family, You are in our prayers, and we hope that you are able to celebrate her life amist the heartache. Sincerely, Iglesia
  8. I have to throw-out a wish list for the Purdue show because I have seen the band many, many times and never heard these songs live. My guess is that none of these will get played, but I'm excited to go nonetheless: -At My Window Sad and Lonely -When the Roses Bloom Again -Political Science -Ashes of American Flags-w/ Nels -Walken WITH horns -How to Fight Loneliness-saw it in '99 at the Vogue in Indianapolis, but that was eons and an old band ago. -A pink floyd cover of "Wots...Uh the deal"; they've never played, but I think the current lineup could pull this off beautifully.....guitar solo,
  9. The horns on Walken and ITMWLY sounded Grrrrreat! Hopefully the band gets some horn players from Purdue to help out for their West Lafayette show.
  10. First take a breath and count to 10. "There is no room left in this country for YOUR kind"; tell that to my wife, children, friends, community, and patients which I respect and care for daily. My life is not directed by my political platform. Looks like I can't say the same for you and what seems to be your authority on the democratic party---oh, and I bet that there are plenty who wouldn't want you on THEIR side. "...larva in OUR public schools"; read this out loud, pause, read out loud again, pause. Who do you think you are??! I didn't know education was for a worthy few, you sound m
  11. Can you teach me how to be an all-knowing prick? I'm embarassed that you are a wilco fan. Let's talk about stupid, it's YOU'RE.
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