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Everything posted by passenger

  1. It was more like the White House. Johnny and Jenny, I know I told you, but beautiful poster. Puts the rest this year to shame. So nice to meet you. And somebody PLEASE post the photo of Jackson (from Ft. Wayne) and Jeff
  2. I don't know how she held her instrument, but she KICKED ASS!!! Brought the only standing ovation of the evening. I wish she was in the Wilco Ensemble.
  3. Go see my son's band, The Morning Pages. (check out www.zealousrecords.com) They got an invitation to play SXSW this year, and they're really excited about it. Unfortunately, I have to be out of the country on that weekend or I'd be there, too.
  4. I could never tell one drummer from another. Damn!!
  5. Y'know, we spent very little time talking about Wilco or Jeff's professional life (except for his anecdotes about band members -- I loved his his description of how Glenn is constantly on his cell phone). To my knowledge, no one asked him about his tour or even about the new record. For us, it is all about playing the music. I know... we're weird. But trust me, you'll get the answers to those questions from next week's show.
  6. Aww, c'mon, Jack. You should tell it. This was after we were well into the night and ignited the only Jeff/Sue "confrontation".
  7. One correction.... B5 also did "No Sense In Lovin" (my personal fave). Jeff said it was so long since he played it that he had to pull out the disc and re-learn it. Spencer caught him and said: "What?? You have to learn your own songs?? That's pathetic!!" Jeff told him: "Just wait... it'll happen to you." We also did "I'm A Wheel" Jeff also left a capo. I know it's his because it has the number "12" painted on it, and no one in the ensemble would keep track of their capos that way. I'll bring it to Edie's show on Saturday.
  8. You saw most of what I saw. I dug the Ryan Adams set (I know the steel player) apart from the rant about eggs. From where I was at, everybody knew the words to Hickory Wind, and it was the audience reaction that caused Ryan to give a nod to Gram at the end of the song. I actually liked the way he wove the Dead tunes (Wharf Rat; (S)he's gone; Franklin's Tower) into medleys with his own songs. But I can see how people who didn't come to see a Phish concert might have been kind of bored. Lookin' forward to Sunday.
  9. Rob, I will do that ... and, trust me, we have some great pictures. Check out our thread (1/28/06) elsewhere on this site, for a preview. Morgan, this is one reason why I don't keep a blog.
  10. Hey, Edie, you rule!!! We'll have to figure out how to get our stuff posted by these guys.... once we can all agree on exactly what we played.
  11. Edie, I should have just told you to come on out. Jeff and Sue were so cool about the whole thing It wouldn't have mattered to have one or two more. And the show absolutely rocked I'm sure there will be more about that later. Great to see you on Wednesday.
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