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lost highway

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Posts posted by lost highway

  1. There is no obvious winner. A progressive ticket could alienate moderates and independents, a milquetoast centrist could be John Kerry or Hillary Clinton redeux. Sanders has energy behind him, that's more than we can say for anyone else right now.

  2. That's not a concern for them.  One thing Republicans are good at is imposing rules and standards on the Democrats that they themselves are not beholden to. 


    And to be fair, Democrats are good at enforcing rules upon themselves that Republicans have happily ignored.

  3. I've been a litigator for over 35 years and have tried dozens of cases.  I've never heard of a "trial" without witnesses or evidence. I hope there are consequences for this sham. For this traves-sham-mockery.  


    You'd think some Senators will be in the hot seat having been on the record as voting against witnesses in a trial.


    They've really diminished their office, and I don't mean in the moral way you guys are already right about. If Congress votes to allocate funds and the President ignores it without explanation, that's diminished the Legislative branch. 


    I wonder if these Senators feel comfortable with their actions being a precedent, should the Dems ever have an Executive who plays dirty and gets caught.

  4.  please watch at least the last 10 minutes to see how eloquent Adam Schiff was...all while Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn showed us what a true disgrace they are.


    He's really so good. I've been listening on public radio to and from work..... some really incoherent yelling Republicans (and a few sloppy Democrats too) have taken the podium in both the House and now the Senate steps of the process. He's so clear, and calm, and focused. If I say Atticus Finch-esque is that too much?

  5. That's been my thing for the last few years, I want any kind of justice... if not legally, then cosmically. I'll take him being hugely embarrassed, or becoming frustratedly irrelevant, if we can't get him in jail, or throw out of office.

  6. Regrettably I've still never seen them live. 


    No matter what tepid album they're touring for, you should still absolutely go. If you've liked them for any length of time it will be worth a fair amount of cash to see them.... like our generation's Stones-level worth it.

  7. Strong start to HBO's The Outsider. Just started last Sunday. 2 episodes. 


    Nice, The trailer captivated me. It's on the watch list for sure.


    I finally made it around to Barry and I'm binging it at 2-3 episodes a night. It's so good. Has the same worlds collide wackiness that Dexter had, but less campy, more cool. Also very funny. 

  8. This kind of speaks to recent points you guys are making:


    It's interesting to me that the scramble to support the assassination of Soleimani has only gotten messier and they haven't really put up anything to back their decision..... annnnd it seems like the media and the public has all but moved on in a week.

  9. I seriously decompressed with some camp/trash/popular binge watching:


    The Witcher- cheesy in a self-aware way, gorey, over the top fantasy

    The Mandalorian- I liked it best when it was a series-long arc, there were a few one-off procedural episodes in the middle that felt a little too Xena Warrior Princess for me, but the high parts were high.


    I also watched His Dark Materials, and also thought it was an overall success. I've read all of the Pullman books from the series so I had pretty high hopes.


    My wife and I finally finished Orange Is the New Black. We agreed two seasons ago that it had gone past its prime. The final season had a little more to offer, but was overall just okay.

  10. Bolton has been one of the most batshit warhawks to ever enter politics in this country in my lifetime since Wallace tapped Curtis LeMay for his VP in '68. If Democrats think he will help their case it shows how things desperate things can get when there is total obstruction from the Executive Branch (documents, testimony, etc.). To even entertain the idea that Bolton was a voice of reason in the room when he was in the WH reveals how beyond the pale we are at this point. 


    I agree, and disagree. Most anything in Bolton's spidery attic of neocon policies is abhorrent to me. Yet within that worldview is a form of patriotism (perhaps even nationalism) that however violent, still operates with a certain code of ethics. Bolton may celebrate the bombing of civilians to exert force on the world, but he wouldn't celebrate a U.S. politician pressuring a foreign government to investigate an American. By all accounts he was strongly against it. On top of that he has personal beef with Trump now. All of this coupled with the fact that he may be at the end of his career could give him great satisfaction in throwing Trump under the bus (see John McCain's thumbs down while voting on Trump's crap health care bill).


    Then again, this could all be wrong. It's hard to find patterns in a system so chaotic.

  11. While this space continues to be an uncommonly civil place on the web for political discourse, we got awfully slow last year probably from exhaustion and burnout. The Trump years have taken their toll.


    The ongoing barn storm of this presidential term may render anyone to be understandably disinterested in analyzing every flaming turd of political news flying at us daily, but it does not change the sheer academic curiosity that is the impeachment proceedings. This is an experiment in American civics that threatens to test the very notion of checks and balances. 


    In other news we have potential war with Iran.....


    That's all I've got. Talk amongst yourselves.

  12. Yeah, in a century the impeachment will be the main idea for Trump in a trivia question.... hopefully without a remarkable second term as part of that.


    It's funny how he had to shell out 2 million dollars for charity fraud a couple weeks ago on top of all of this. It was interesting when he screwed over the Kurds in Syria how the conservatives actually turned on him for a hot minute. Otherwise it seems they'll stick by him through anything.


    Meanwhile I keep hearing two reasonable, compelling and contradictory arguments: 


    1) you can't win a purple state with a radically progressive politician

    2) no centrist democrat has won a presidential election in the past couple decades (see Kerry, Gore etc)

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