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lost highway

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Posts posted by lost highway

  1. New article about new album where Jeff discusses Bright Leaves, Citizens and Glenn. Thanks to Diane for posting this on the FB page. This didn’t come up for me today, when I did a Google news search.





    Holy shit:


    "A foley artist is a guy that used to make the sound effects for radio plays. One of the devices they used to make it sound like you were hearing troops marching was a thing called a marching machine. It's basically a bunch of wooden dolls attached to a rope grid that you can slam on something. None of the dolls land at the same time, so it has that sound of marching. Basically, the snare drum on the whole record is a marching machine, or it's an element throughout the record that is maybe more prominent than a traditional tom or high hat. "

  2. As someone who knows next to nothing about the boss, can someone explain that to me?


    OMG, how did I beat everyone to this one?


    Let me try.


    Born to Run is a broad reaching, sweeping gesture of a dramatic rock record. It is expansive. I suppose Being There is too.


    Nebraska is insular. It's psychological. The hugeness of Nebraska comes from how intimate, up close and small it is.

  3.  Also, people should still look at the 2016 election, because I fear past mistakes will haunt the Democrats again in 2020.



    They should also look at the Kerry campaign. I'm with you, anyone-but-Trump. But the DNC needs to keep things fair, and primary voters need to recognize the dead center politics haven't brought in the votes.

  4. I have no further insight but to agree with these last two comments.


    The funny thing about Bernie is I'm almost surprised to recall that I kind of like him when I see him speak, only because his supporters make me feel like I'm at odds with them even though I agree with the majority of his positions. I wouldn't mind seeing him as president, as contentious as it might be, but if his supporters give my pinko ass whiplash, I can't imagine how the moderates will take it.

  5. Oh ok, so we should let them go ahead and continue and fight between ourselves pointing fingers?  Every post about the Muller report here is who it was good for Trump or the Dems.  My contention is, sure the Russians may have meddled in the past, but in 2016 and 2018 we have verified proof  This is a thing that happened, we know it happened.  This is a big f ing deal.  We have an election in about 15 months.  We have zero plan on how to stop this or preventing it.  Russia has received no consequences for doing this.  But hey, lets all Monday morning QB this bullshit and see whose side it was better for.


    And Ol' Mitch McConnell is actively blocking legislation to protect our elections. Then to deflect criticism as McCarthyism? WHAT? Everything is upside down when the GOP goes soft on Russia and then calls people McCarthyists for calling them out. Ronald Reagan's ghost is hopefully haunting McConnell every night.

  6. I left town and technology behind right as this thread was getting interesting.


    Coming back to Love is Everywhere, I think the song's real virtues are revealed with repeat listens. No, it's not a challenging piece of work, it's downright pleasant from the first listen, but I think it took 4 or 5 plays for me to realize it's actually great.


    I don't think Ode to Joy is going to sound like any other Wilco record, least of all the last two. The interesting thing about that is in print a mostly folk record from Wilco seems at first glance to be a pretty ho-hum concept, but I think we're all going to be pleased.

  7. is anyone else getting a hilary vibe from biden? think it would be a huge mistake for him to be the nominee. the donald would have him for lunch along with his big mac. also, being a long time politician from delaware he's most likely owned by the big banks & wall street. biden vs trump would be a no lose for them & the rest of the MI (military industrial) complex.


    Yeah, he's my second to last choice for president. Trump of course is the last choice and I will do all kinds of rhetorical gymnastics to explain to my friends that their obligation is to vote for the lesser of two evils (thereby reducing evil) if he is the nominee. My bet is on Warren, but I'd take Sanders. There are things to like about Booker, Buttigeg and Harris, but there are things to wonder about. I kind of feel like everyone else is so far from a possible nominee that they're not worth talking about at this point.

  8. I seriously think this is the first misstep in their career. I know some folks were thrown by One Beat, others by The Woods, but I love both and really thought they could do no wrong. The new songs sounded kind of lame on Fallon and it seems that's why one of the top 10 rock drummers is packing her bags.

  9. So now we've seen 3 debuts, one of which was the recording and you had to be at Mass MOCA (I wasn't).


    If 3 songs could be a clear indicator (and they probably never are in a Wilco record), the 2 they debuted last night and the 1 a few folks listened to at the Genelec installation seem to point towards a lush and pretty album of ballads. Neither the spiky rock of SW, nor the off-kilter folk of Schmilco.


    Or they're sitting on another 8-9 crunchy rockers, or noisy freakouts. Still hard to say.

  10. Oh damn, its so good! McCarthy at the height of his powers.


    It's phenomenal. Memorable in part for the hyper-vivid desert landscape description, and for the stomach churning violence.


    Maybe his best book?


    This is what I'm slowly meandering through right now:


  11. Says Tweedy:


    “I think [the hiatus] revitalized everyone’s energy for the band, and our interest in pushing forward and not just resting on some past output. Everybody in the band is pretty ambitious. It’s good to let go of something that’s a huge, identifying part of your life, and realize that you still have deep affection for it and a deep interest in having it be a living, breathing entity capable of surprising you.”

  12. Fan here. I'll take any cut from The Whole Love any day. And I'll even applaud them knocking an AM song of their setlist to do it.


    But that's not the point. This is just an example of how- as with the "fans would rather hear their old songs" idea- it all depends on who you talk to. How many times has someone on here griped about the inevitability of a Jesus Etc performance only to be rebuked by someone who says they've seen them a dozen times and is happy to hear it on any night?


    Wilco can't be a nostalgia act because their music, their influences and their fan base are a messy democratic, eclectic thing. They did a tour de force album (Whole Love), a sonically playful rockin album (Star Wars) and a sonically playful folk album (Schmilco). All in a row. And I have yet to sense any consensus between fan reactions, or the band's setlists to show that any of these 3 distinct artistic explorations were more valid, or fruitful. 


    Most importantly Jeff Tweedy is incapable of being in a nostalgia act. All he ever talks about is his musical curiosity and his insatiable appetite to create new stuff.

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