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lost highway

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Posts posted by lost highway

  1. - Loved Bull Black Nova being followed by Not For The Season. Excellent guitar work & a bit different than the last time they were played..


    They really had fun with Not For The Season. It's interesting how it became an acoustic staple and the band kind of took up a similar, tighter version with just some more dynamics and a little guitar weirdness. Now it's like the Loose Fur version again, but more since there's a bigger ensemble. All kinds of playful, avant noodling.

  2. Thank you, but I wonder if some of that material ended up on Warmer?


    He was talking about Warm as it was being released, and Warmer was already recorded. But it's all part of the same stream. Wilco demos start off the same way as the Sukierae songs, and the Warm/Warmer songs, it really comes down to how he allocates them at this point.

  3. When would they have recorded it? Jeff has been on solo tour for more than a year (off and on), and has released two albums. They only recently convened after 18 months off I thought.


    Someone on here with a better memory could offer the references. They had instagram stuff showing them working in the loft and Jeff mentioned some things in interviews.

  4. In all seriousness, do you guys really think the new album is 100% already in the can and they're just sitting on it? Or do you think there is still at least a little work to be done to complete it?


    They haven't said enough (from the gossip mill/interviews I've seen at least) to know. If it is done then we're waiting for graphic design, mastering, pressing etc but we might all be jumping the gun. Only time will tell.

  5. I remember Adam West as Batman in that particular iteration of Batman movie trying to get rid of a bomb for an obscene amount of time. It became a bit. Can’t throw it here because there are kids there etc. Batman & Robin took on The Joker, The Penguin, The Riddler and Catwoman. The Dark Knight Rises tipped their hat to Batman: The Movie when Batman had to get a bomb out of Gotham by using his Batwing.


    I’m guessing it’s symbolic of the times that we live in. Are you Adam West or the bomb about to go off?


    Nicely done.

  6. I can't get over the combination of facts:


    - We know they've recorded a bunch of new stuff at the Loft already

    - They're playing Austin City Limits in the fall

    - Glenn already has replaced his Schmilco kick drum head


    Does this mean a new record is going to surprise us sooner than later? I know it's just a bass drum head but why would he change it already, unless it's not album related and it's just a goof. What is Adam West with a bomb trying to tell us?

    Oh, and also. I'm predicting LP11 will rock harder than Schmilco, but not as hard as Star Wars.

  7. I feel like impeaching Trump is a damned if you do, damned if you don't proposition. If they don't impeach him, he'll say "See? They knew it was a witch hunt." If they do impeach him, and it dies in the Senate, he'll say "See? WITCH HUNT."


    Yeah, I feel the same. I think Pelosi is pretty sharp in steadying congressional hands on that trigger. They would need to gamble that the process would unearth information that would thoroughly (further) disgust the majority of Americans, and that might actually get some GOP senators to feel like they need to turn their backs on their boss to earn cred with voters. Pretty high bar.


    Then again, knowing what we know they might have a moral obligation to go for it.

  8. massive disagreement here... i love Goo and it's rightly among their best records, but the EVOL > Sister > DDN run preceding it was even better.



    Also, debating SY records is fun cause it's such an abstract critical game. To my ears their best stuff always bridges the gap between chaos/abstraction and pop precision. This kept me very satisfied with their output the last 5-10 years they existed. Goo is so much tighter and more direct, but still like nothing no one else could even try and make. It's like Daydream Nation stripped for export.

  9. I enjoyed everything about this post. I know nothing about Jawbreaker, 


    They cornered the market on literate, poetic punk rock. Musically they started out as pretty straight forward punk, and became more expansive over the years. They were one of the crew of bands that got accused of inventing emo and didn't really know what to do with the term. It's rough around the edges in a way that might need teenage ears to be initiated, but you never know, I've met 40-something converts. 



  10. Maybe it's cause I was only 7 this year, so my formative years music wasn't kicking into gear yet, and the stuff I look back at fondly came before this, but this is a year of things waiting to happen in my eyes (as well as dying off), more than things happening.


    The coolest record of 1989 has to be Pixies Doolittle. Honorable mention to Soundgarden Louder Than Love


    In other news Jawbreaker and Fugazi were getting going. Mudhoney put out their debut (with better things to come). REM was regrouping as was Bruce Springsteen. Sonic Youth was just about to get amazing with Goo, but not yet. Public Enemy was working of Fear of a Black Planet. Psychedelic Furs, Replacements, The Smiths were all running out of steam.


    Kind of a crossroads.

  11. Energized his base to what end? To elect W as president?


    Yeah, that's where the conventional wisdom falls apart. I think the reason folks suggest this is because of the rise in his approval ratings in general over the year, but approval ratings aren't elections.

  12. When Songs: Ohia's Mi Sei Apparso Come Un Fantasma (You Appeared To Me As A Ghost) was released, it was mostly new songs (except 2 old songs appearing in drastically different versions) with all the new songs unique to just that release. 


    That's a cool record, but it's more bootleg than regular release in a sense.


    Maybe the best analogy for this idea would be Neil Young's Live Rust, if he never released Rust Never Sleeps. 

  13. Finally hearing this. It seems closer to disc 2 of Sukierae to me in that it unhurriedly kind of drifts with a lot of dreamy tunes. Not as tight or breezy as Warm, but I think each one has its place.


    All said, I love what he's done here with these 20+ songs, and at the same time I hope he uses the Wilco revitalization to do nothing like this. 

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