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lost highway

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Posts posted by lost highway

  1. It's tough to argue against your choices, but I'm going to go out on a limb by putting KT somewhere towards the middle of the ranking. I hope I'm not flamed for that, what with me being foreign and all and therefore perhaps with a different musical heritage and take on things. 


    Should we call it 5.5 in the sequence?

  2. Mikael did a podcast that was released today, and at the end you can hear "White Wooden Cross." There's a lot going on in the song based on a good headphone listen.




    Wow. I appreciate the recorded version a lot more than the video of them doing it live someone took on their phone. Who knew?!


    I can't wait to listen to this whole conversation.



    Oh, sweet redemption. Someone actually listened to the music and thought of what was going on inside of it, instead of just grappling with the cultural signifiers on the surface.


    "Tweedy's vocals are often a spectral presence, not so much singing as transmitting the tunes from some otherworldly, ghostly realm. “One and a Half Stars” finds him reciting the troubled lyrics in a mechanically detached way that resembles a robot tasked with taking on the role of wounded balladeer, a striking effect that somehow doesn’t detach from the gorgeous melody the song is graced with. Despite all the restraint, Ode to Joy is far from a minimalist undertaking. There's a lot going on, only you can't hear most of it much of the time thanks to adventurous mixing that – in the spirit of vintage dub – zooms in and out of instruments. Unusually for a rock act, guitars play a distant second fiddle to drums and percussion, with drummer Glenn Kotche's mechanical and deconstructed patterns catapulting the likes of opener "Bright Leaves" – a brooding ballad of everyday anxiety set to a seesawing martial beat – to unsettled, startlingly odd territories far removed from the straight-ahead acoustic singer-songwriter strumming most of these songs are rooted in."

  4. I visit Fox News everyday to see what their daily angle is.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I can't find the White House memorandum of conversation with Zelensky nor the whistle blower complaint against trump. 


    But you can find a few articles right under their headline with titles like "Watch what this McDonalds employee says to a customer" and "Diseased raccoons are running amok in this neighborhood". Keep scrolling for the celebrity "who wore it best?" bikini contest.

  5. I wish I knew a good predictor for where this is going. CNN, NYtimes and WaPo are speaking fire and brimstone, Fox News is saying nothingburger (which has always been the dumbest phrase). Reuters and NPR will only say what's factually happening (cause they're smart).


    But man I'd love a crystal ball for this.

  6.  I just hope Pelosi didn’t jump the gun here, because if it’s anything short of that - it’ll hurt more than help.


    She's been pretty frosty, I think if she's game there's something going on. Nancy took months of the squad and their ilk calling her out for being cautious.


    I have become compelled by the argument that if there's something worth impeaching over that congress owes it to the sanctity of the office to do it, even if it's politically inadvisable in the short term.

  7. This is shaping up to be a huge political week.


    Uh, yeah. Impeachment? Doesn't even feel real.


    I wonder what Trump's calculation as he's preparing to release the transcript of the call with Ukraine. Maybe it's another example of brazenly owning things ('I grab them by the pussy') in order to normalize it and take the wind out of it.

  8. Any idea where I can hear the song without the video? I love the video, don't get me wrong, but I'd like to hear it all the way through without the stops and starts of video...


    Preorder the album and the download is yours!

    I just got an email for “Everyone Hides”. The additions make it much more dynamic over the Tweedy version


    They took an already cool song and made it cooler.


    I was sitting on a negative nelly thought about it being lame to reuse a Tweedy track that was already released on a soundtrack. Then I remembered "Lullaby for Rafters and Beams" from the Zamboni Man soundtrack which subtly evolved into a band staple. Then I heard this awesome version. I shall nelly no more!

  9. ***Tangent*** I hate the way Schmilco is written off as a Tweedy/JT catalog extension. To my ears, it's always been much more. Lower-energy than most Wilco, granted, but still full of craft and artistry from the sextet. Aw well.


    True. No other drummer would play what Glenn does on Cry All Day. The guitar textures on Common Sense are a perfect Tweedy/Cline matchup. John's basslines are as melodic as ever. And there's usually a solid 20-35% of what is making your ears happy that can later be identified as a Jorgensen, Sansone addition.

  10. Oh, I can say that Hold Me Anyway is my favorite of the 8 that have been played live. Jeff's lyrics and some sweet Nels' licks combined with a cool & playful arrangement make it feel like an album closer to my ears. 


    This seems like another Anglo-pop kind of Kinks/later Small Faces jam. The Nels solo reminds me of Queen. Very fun song.

  11. My prediction is that while it can sit right next to Schmilco, Warm and Warmer with that under-hyped, intimate kind of sound, that it will be a more realized vision of some of the individual strengths of the group. More of a feeling of ensemble development than Schmilco.


    I guess what I'm thinking is if any of us were looking for a classic hard turn, we're not going to get it. But a patient ear might get some real satisfaction out of hearing them refining a course that Jeff's been on for a few years now.

  12. So if my calculations are correct, the only OTJ songs not debuted yet are Citizens, Quiet Amplifier and We Were Lucky. I'll be curious to see if they roll some of these out as they continue touring, or if some will be relegated to the Deeper Down, EKG, Sunloathe status.

  13. I was thinking today about bands I absolutely love, but don't think of being a Top 10, all time favorite. Mostly because they either didn't release enough albums, or they only released a couple good ones, and/or changed members and got worse etc. I guess with artists like Neil Young, Wilco, Bob Dylan, The Kinks etc, it's hard to compete if you have a smaller catalogue.


    Here are a few of my favorites, who aren't quite my favorites because they suffer from this situation:









  14. I haven't attended a show since the Whole Love so I'll spare y'all my favs from the last two records. I'll make one exception. I think 'More' has all of the marks of a classic Wilco song. I don't know why it's fallen off of the setlists.


    Also pretty sure I still haven't seen:



    Pot Kettle Black

    Wishful Thinking


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