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Spawn's dad

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Posts posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I'm not sure what that means, since I post about five times a week and don't really follow the day-to-day minutiae of teh VC.

    I'm pretty much going to post what I want, though if you don't like it you can ignore me or hit the report button.

  2. Setting myself up for more ridicule here;


    the people in the neighborhoods of the southside of Chicago count him as one of their own, unlike a few mamby pamby liberals who feel Barack simply doesn't represent them or the odd Wilco fan here on VC.





    Heavens, man, you have to realize not everyone is from Chicago and not everyone on this board likes every incarnation of Wilco.


    I had a dream last night that I was staying in a hostel with a bunch of people who post here (I think they were people who post in the Wilco part of the board and/or people I don't really like) and it was in LA and we were all going to a weekend full of Wilco shows, only the entire time I kept asking myself "why are you doing this...you don't even like Wilco?" and then since it was in LA Miss Y was supposed to show up and I was actually looking forward to seeing her because she would have been the only person in my dream that I liked (aside from me, who I love) but then when she finally showed up it wasn't her but instead it was some random woman I know from work who lives in AZ and I would be ok never seeing again in my entire life. The dream ended up being ok though because I sat at a beach bar (the hostel was right on the beach) with Randy Jackson (from American Idol) drinking beer and I woke up before I had to see the Wilco show that was happening in my dream LA.


    We're on the first name basis with the guy now? Most people here don't even have the cojones to write anything but "Mr. Tweedy." And in a prior post you said something along the lines about Obama not really being all that despite being a far better candidate that McCain, so how can you characterize it as a 'few mamby pamby liberals' who don't feel he represents their views?

  3. I support a breakdown of the two-party system, so I'm always rooting for third party candidates to make a dent. This year, though, none of the alternative candidates better represent my values than one of the major party candidates, so there's no compelling reason for me to cast a symbolic vote.



    I'd go gay for you.




    (how's that tugmoose?)

  4. Last night our Obama yard sign was stolen, along with all the others on our street. Funny thing is, the thieves failed to notice that my yard had two signs.


    Given the state of the economy perhaps they are just redistributing them to poorer folks?

  5. In all seriousness, is there a town left in america that doesn't have both a wallgreens and a cvs? I suspect most also have a rite-aid to boot.


    The market place dictates if such an action is wise or not, and until there is some evidence that

    such contraception is not readily available some place else this entire conversation is bunk. It's once again, argument for the sake of argument. Which, while might be the only true purpose of the interwebs, does get quite old. Freedom of speech and action goes both ways. If a pharmacy refuses to sell contraception in a society who gets hard with the wind and fucks with reckless abandon, it stands to reason that another pharmacy or vending machine will take the place of the non-provider. They'll be out of business.


    No pharmacy sells all medications btw. I've been to some big name ones on more than a few occassions where they didn't have what was prescribed, and they either called for something else or I went elsewhere.


    We get it, dude, you hate religion. :chatterbox

  6. Yeah probably. Still, I think a pretty compelling case could be made that the cost to the taxpayer of unwanted pregnancies is significant enough that the public interest would require it. Of course, that same logic would lead one to think that we should legislate the USE of condoms. And I am certainly not suggesting that. No, seriously. I am really not suggesting that. :)


    Forget condms... We be snippin'

  7. So in your imagination none of us have a grasp of what was said pages ago

    or how the government works. Oh please, unkie Lou, do regale us with the

    tale of how a bill becomes law...and please don't leave out the part about

    how all the pork ends up in there.

  8. Awesome. So you spend a paragraph railing against something no one said, then agree with what was actually said, all the while

    chipping a statue to your position that everyone simply has to vote for the candidate you like. Same tired bit from the last



    Okay, carry on.



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