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Spawn's dad

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Posts posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Look jc4pres and all the rest of you guys....go for it. I wish the world were that pure, but it isn't. In every day life we all compromise ourselves, our principals and our relationships. We can't live otherwise. You are being disengenuous if you believe otherwise. Baiting those of us who have come to terms with reality (Obama is a pretty good candidate and he is going to represent us as best as he can and he is going to do something Nader can never do, which is win the White House.) and now it is time to move on.




    You're the master baiter.

  2. I just can't follow anymore. In one post it's over by a landslide yet in another it seems every vote counts and anyone who isn't

    cock sure about voting for Obama is responsible for the inevitable destruction of the country and needs to go listen to

    radiohead. If it's over by a landslide what's the difference?

  3. On the issue of race - there are a shit-ton of young racists in this country. And there are a shit-ton of young non-racists in this country.


    I've been working on a jewish bit all day but can't bring it home without really going blue.

  4. but fathers who attend typically pledge to protect their young daughters' purity in mind, body and soul. Daughters are expected to remain virgins, abstaining from pre-marital sexual intercourse. A stronger father-daughter relationship is promoted as a means to affirm spiritual and physical purity.



    :unsure I may be missing the wacky part.

  5. Obama will have 18 months to turn things around, or your going to see a replay of the first Clinton term when the opposition party takes Congress back. You heard it here first.


    Unfortunately much of that turn around stuff is out of his hands for an immediate turn around. Our fiscal problems are likely to take quite a while to resolve.


    I was picturing you (as Gary was too) stepping outside the booth and unleashing that editorial piece. It was pretty good.


    Sometimes great minds and dumbasses think alike.

  6. So I suppose the best way to justify my vote is like this:


    As much as it pains me to do so, I had to vote against my ideals. I had to put aside my disdain for the 2 party system and put my trust in a man who I do think has the potential to do a good job, but who may not be able to given the circumstances. But, this is no time for idealism. And I hope Barack himself understands that. He's looking at a possible filibuster proof majority, so he would be able to push almost anything he wants through. And that's a lot of power at a time when what we need is for the president to have less power, not more. I hope he is able to put what is best for the country ahead of what is best for democratic special interests and the base. Sure, Iraq isn't doing great. But if we leave before the nation is ready for it, we're going to set ourselves up for a lot more problems in the future. Sure, people need health care. But our economy also can't afford to have more money taken out of it in the form of higher taxes.


    I'd have much more faith in him if he was looking at a split government, because I don't think we need someone guiding the ship by hand. Things may look grim, but this happens. And everytime the economy does dip down (or just flat out go down), it comes back up eventually. You can't have sustained growth nonstop or it will fall on itself. I just hope we don't judge him based on that, because he's not going to be able to control it.


    Probably the biggest thing that made me vote for him is Palin. This is such an astoundingly terrible choice for Vice President that I couldn't, in good faith vote for McCain, and as I said earlier, idealism isn't right for this time. We need to be strong while handling things delicately. And I hope Barack is the man for the job. It's going to be a tough go for him, but hopefully he can get through it and get us out on the other side, better than before. And I believe it's going to happen, it's just a question of when.


    And like I said earlier, the fact that he's black has nothing to do with it. If I was going to vote for him because he is black, why not vote for Palin because she's a woman? It's just as shallow.


    I had more to say, and I'm not sure if this really says anything, but that's what's there.


    I really need to know if you posted all that from your iPhone outside a voting booth.

  7. Actually if you re-read my past posts I have said that you are entitled to vote third party if you so choose. I hardily disagree with that perspective, but I know plenty of people who have voted that way and so it goes. I have never said you should not vote your concience, EVER!! But I do question what concience is, in this election for voting for a third party candidate for President; that I just can't wrap my brain around.


    Just so you know....I voted Green on several local races. I am certainly not opposed to it in those cases, only in the case of the Presidential election where so much is at stake.




    I'm pretty sure it said 'you're entitled to be a selfish bastard.'

  8. Lou, can you not see how your posts can be taken as just as smug? I have already cast my vote for Obama, and I'm certain he will be a better president than McCain would, but not enough that I'm willing to talk down to those who disagree.


    I certainly think he'll be a better president than McCain, but as to being a great or good president who knows? When's the last time

    we had a good president?

  9. :rolleyes


    (Also, I didn't understand your post/criticism of Ction's dream thread.)


    Don't have much free time these days so I rarely come here anymore, and generally only read the political threads. Ction's post merely

    illustrated that not all these people are Wilco fans!

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