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Spawn's dad

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Posts posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Certainly, both candidates have said they'll cut unnecessary spending.


    right, and I call bullshit. until someone actually does it it's :chatterbox

    we have a gubment that's driven on pork and unnecessary spending.

    so maybe Obama comes in and changes things, but until it happens

    I think we all have a right to be skeptical.

  2. Hello, helpful VCers. I'm in the market for a new bed. I've had the same one for the last 15 years and I've started getting back pain after sleeping the last couple years. So....I think it might be time for a new mattress.


    A few questions --


    Can I just buy a new mattress and keep the same box springs? This would be awesome, cause it would save me some money.


    Anyone have any suggestions on brands, styles, etc.? I think I'd like to get a pillow top. I'm not sure what a fair price is for a good bed. A friend said around $1000 ( :blink ).


    EDIT: I'm looking at either a queen size or a full, if that makes any difference on price suggestions.



    are you flirting with me?

  3. Does anyone else have the Billy and the Boingers 45 ? From the "Bootleg" book? That's around here somewhere.


    Quite a few Bloom County books here - I loved this stuff.


    I must. I have a signed copy of that book. Not that I could play it on anything. :dontgetit

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