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Posts posted by uncool2pillow

  1. I just re-listened to the Night 2 residency show that I also attended. I remembered when they started Monday, that both my brother and I thought they were launching into Rock & Roll All Night. It sounded the same on the NPR Webcast from the 9:30 club. Granted, it's the same chords, but does anyone know if the live version is done in a way to mimic KISS on purpose? Has anyone else noted the similarity?

  2. Absolutely! I'm sure there will be some investigation into her beer distribution firm and any conflict of interest that's caused Sen. McCain. Spouses are probably one of the biggest pitfalls for modern politicians since when? JFK? Every candidate wants their wife to be like Jackie, but few are. On this topic, has Bill been more of an asset to Clinton's campaign or detriment. I think I'd say detriment, but without his presidency, would she even have the name recognition to become a viable candidate.



    Does Cindy McCain actually speak? Or does she just have her company provide its private jets for her husband's use so that he can simultaneously hold himself up as a champion of campaign finance reform while taking advantage of the very loopholes he adds to campaiogn finance reform bills?




    See what I mean?

  3. True. But then again - I guess Cindy McCain is fair game too.

    Absolutely! I'm sure there will be some investigation into her beer distribution firm and any conflict of interest that's caused Sen. McCain. Spouses are probably one of the biggest pitfalls for modern politicians since when? JFK? Every candidate wants their wife to be like Jackie, but few are. On this topic, has Bill been more of an asset to Clinton's campaign or detriment. I think I'd say detriment, but without his presidency, would she even have the name recognition to become a viable candidate.

  4. From my Word Origin calendar today:


    tupelo - The name of this handsome southeastern tree and fo the Mississippi city where Elvis Presley was born comes from the Creek Indian word topilwa, meaning "thre tree that grows in water." The region is swampy, and the Cree Indians were so called because they made their settlements along flowing streams.

  5. I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on the production. I think it sucks. Plus Ken diversifies on the record, but nothing jumps out of the speakers the way "Time Bomb" or "Victoria" did. The Murry Hammond solo record is sooooooo much better.

    I think it's cleaner. After a couple of listens, no songs really grab me that way "New Kid" did on Drag It Up. Overall, I'm really happy w/ it. Need to watch the DVD that came w/ the special edition.

  6. It's a good listen. Better production than Drag It Up. Ken's guitar playing is - as many reviews say - his best yet. Still on my first listen, but a highlight is "She Loves the Sunset". Hope to see them in Omaha June 3.

  7. Looking that close at Jim's face on a 42 inch hd plasma, I'm amazed that he could even grow a beard. How the hell was it so long a few years ago? That must of taken forever.

    My 3-year-old son wondered when Santa Claus (or as he says "Choco Laus") joined a rock band.

  8. That's the thing, though. Life is like that. There is no closure.

    I agree. In a sense, I thought there was closure, though. Tommy Lee Jones was so overwhelmed by the events of the movie, that he took early retirement. He couldn't cope with it. He still wanted the comfort of his dad to deal with the harsh realities of life.


    Has anyone read the book? How close is the movie to it?

  9. No Country for Old Men. Great movie. Not sure if it's Oscar-worthy, but I'm glad for the Coen Bros. How many Coen brothers movies feature incompetent criminals?? Raising Az., Fargo, Ladykillers, Oh Brother, more if I thought about it.

  10. Actually, I'm going to the game, but I'm going to pretend the Twins are actually the Yankees. It will be soooo much more exciting that way.

    In that case, go Yankees (Twins). Boston should take at least 3 of 4, but I'm always hopeful. Have fun. The dome's not a great place to watch a game. Can't wait for the new stadium to open.

  11. I spent a few minutes watching Yo Gabba Gabba with my kids the other day and am now pretty sure they're already here and the secret is out. :unsure

    Hah! They look like aliens, but I'm pretty sure they're just Dee Lite rejects!



  12. I believe people have seen UFOs, and I believe there must be some sort of intelligent life out there. However, I believe there are reasons simpler than extra-terrestrial visits to explain most UFO sightings (some that we just don't know). In other words, they're out there, but they haven't been here yet.

  13. The Kingdom


    actually really enjoyed this one.

    I really liked it, too. I call it "Syriana Lite". Better traditional action movie, but enough politics/history to make it somewhat thoughtful. Chris Cooper is the best!

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