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Posts posted by Gewee

  1. I had a browser hung up. The e-tix servers couldn't handle the capacity fo sho...I got stuck a t the word captcha phrase for 7 or 8 tries before it times me out and I lost my place. Oh well

  2. Glad to hear there was some success.... i got in and almost had some but the captcha phrase kept timing out over and over again even though I was putting the letters in... Happened 6 or 7 times and then shut out. Looks like I'll be putting my ear up against the back wall in the back alley. Gonna keep looking for the Vic and Metro. They're bnoth a mile away from my house, fer crying out loud.

  3. Almost had a ticket for Metro, but the Gods of low capacity servers and fuzzy captcha graphics thought it best i skip the show. Well, in the interest of proving the Gods are crazy, thought I would start looking for an extra. Anyone?

  4. OOOOH so close yet so far. Got shut out of the Metro ticket derby, even though I was in the running. Had 6 or 7 code errors on the captcha pages, and such a slow repsonse on the servers. Thought I was in. Oh well. Who got ticks? Who got close? Who's going to be huddled in the alley with me listening through the brick walls in December!?

  5. Maybe Sue can renew the lease on Lounge Ax... saw Jeff there a long time ago but honestly remember very little of it


    Autumn defense has played Lincoln Hall a few times... Ok, here's the dream: Schuba's

  6. With the announcement of the Metro show, I am over the moon with anticipation! Hope to get a ticket but since I struggled with the Riv and the Vic, I have low expectations of snagging a Metro ticket, but I like the whole idea of the smaller and smaller venues. Where will they play oin the 16th? The loft at the original Potbellies on Lincoln? Good Lord.

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