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Posts posted by Gewee

  1. Never made it to a LR show but hope to one day. Love the time of year from T-giving to Feb when there's a few acoustic shows to attend in town. Sue and Jeff really do well for their charities by doing good for their fans. I love all the recordings, but they are incredible privileges and not rights.


    The real concern taken away from this thread is Sue's lack of an avatar. We'll have to form a committee and get her one for the holidays.

  2. The proper is etiquette is the slow sneak. Slowly moving up closer and closer until you are finally playing the drums.


    It was a weird crown last night. I was about 30 rows back until the first encore break and then moved to the back to hear the sound and it was pretty good back there. Actually an older, more appreciative crowd in the back genuinely excited by the last two songs... had a few very nice young college-aged folks near me asking me about Far Far Away and Nothingsever... it was nice but man all of a suddent I am an old man at rock shows, Oof

  3. Ageed that the show was great. I was half way between the soundboard and the stage and just rocking out. BUT never felt so underdressed at a Wilco show! omewthing about that scene was notwhat I am used to.. maybe it was a all the daters or the folks all dressed up but kind of a weird vibe for Wilco. Band performed great. Thought there was a weird bit of tension before ITMWLY about the gong, but loved hearing Kamera and Far far away. Tremendous!

  4. Probably one of the greatest Senators of the last 100 years. I'm a NEer and I had the honor of watching him work to take care of those who needed help, to help reach the America that can be. I saw him speak on the floor of the Senate and met him during a campaign once. If you like things like weekends, racial and gender equity, the freedom to date whom you want, and conceive when you are ready then you probably should thank people like Ted Kennedy. It's terribly sad that we have lost a serious dedicated and reliable man who could have sailed away into a life of higher priveledge but instead stayed to fight for better lives for all Americans.

  5. What a great picture. When Susan came around asking for requests, I originally asked for The Ruling Class, then changed my mind to Solitaire. While riding back on the CTA I thought that I should have asked for Be Not So Fearful...and there it was on the list..arghhh....great show. I agree the meet and greet felt as awkward as Jeff looked. But my fiancee got our photo op which is now prominently displayed on the mantle.


    My wife and I loved the show, too. We felt kind of goofy going through the meet/greet line but Jeff was a great sport. The set brimmed with great selections. It was a real treat. My favorite banter of the night was when he pointed out that he and Susan celebrated their anniversary, that he'd put a bunch of love songs into the set and then basically invited a little peer pressure for romance by noting -- "the kids are at camp...I'm leaving on tour in a couple of days..." before giving in with a "not a chance." It was pretty cute.


    Here's a picture of the songs Jeff seemed to use as a very tentative roadmap. The selection process seemed pretty freewheeling, which made it all the more impressive and fun.


    Nice to meet you too! Glad to hear that you had a good time in Chicago. That was an awful fun show. We are lucky in Chicago to have the shot at these kind of shows a few times a year, at least lately. Looking forward to the next one!


    My favorite banter of the night was Jeff in response to Peter calling him out on being lazy by naming the last album and first track eponymously. Jeff joked that Peter does not name all his jokes, he just call them jokes.



    And Jeff continued "Do you have one called Airplane to Heaven?"

  7. Great show. Had a nice chat with the dude, the dude's friend (Mike?) and Tommy and his fiancee from VA Beach. Nice to see Jeff again, but realize now I should have gotten at the end of the line to maybe be able to have a quick conversation with him. Oh well...next time. Nice that he remembered me. And I finally got up the nerve to introduce myself to Sue properly! I have a problem introducing myself to women I have loads of respect for. I couldn't bring myself to say hi to Emmylou Harris once, Neko Case when i interviewed the new pornographers and have never said hi to Katie Tuten of the Hideout. I'm a dork.



    I think I was right behind you (sitting next to he VA couple).. same experience. Spoke with Sue briefly at the end after talking with Jeff. Dorks unite!

  8. Great time last night at the temple! Interesting song selection... A few other notes to add: big thumbs up to The Dude for the lyrical assist on Pick up the Change. Jeff was trying to remember the end of the first verse and came down to the front row, got the lyrics from The Dude and returned. Dude, almost snapped a picture of you and Jeff conferring but it did not come out....


    Before skipping Jesus etc, Jeff said something like "not going to do that one right now"

    Crowd: "play it"

    Jeff retorted: "You don;t even know what I was going to play"

    Crowd "Jesus Etc!" and one guy shouted "Capo on the 5th!"

    Jeff: How'd you know that? Freaky! Played 2 seconds and shook it off


    Before Ripple:

    Guy in back: Ripple!

    Jeff: I don't know know that one

    Guy: You played it before

    Jeff: Yeah with a lyric sheet two feet away. Played intro and first lyric in a very low voice. The in faux-brag mode: Hey I played that with Phil Lesh once and he forgot the lyrics. The talked about Weir.


    Don't think anyone was taping unfortunately


    Jeff and Sue were extremely gracious afterwards and before. Nice night!


    any tapers?



    Don't think so. I heard someone say there was a no taping policy there and I saw no mic stands.

  9. Is this related to the show? Because I can't make the show, but if you're talking random acts of chest painting or whatnot, it's something to consider.


    I have painted my chest with the W in the new font from the new record and will be chest thumping everyone with a white t-shirt I can find

  10. Wahooo!!!


    I'm in!


    Better bursh up on my Hebrew


    Very cool, my cousin belongs to this synogogue... now I have an excuse to attend services with Rabbi Tweedy. :beer .



    Dude! Maybe we'll meet up once again.. stil waiting for the Valentines show to re-appear

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