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Posts posted by Gewee

  1. I was at a show where Jeff expalained that the DVD wasn't exciting enough. Might have been a Tweedy show, but someone hollared "when is the DVD coming out?" And the answer was "it's not." "why?" "It wasn't exciting enough."


    Oh well


    I seem to remember something mentioned about how the footage didn't make it seem like there was an audience, and thus it didn't seem live enough. So what they did was (and here's the clever bit!) remove all the film part of it, and made it just into a cd. On cd that audience really comes alive. I think that's the official word. Either that, or John got pissed that he looks like he's taking his jacket on and off repeatedly throughout the song. I personally think that they had a falling out with the director, cos that Kicking TV footage looks a million times better than any of the live stuff on I'm Trying To Break Your Heart, and the band was happy for that to go out.
  2. etree has the 2/15 show and usually the other shows will appear there at some point. Not sure what the affection for Dime a Dozen is, but many of us are in the same boat.


    Still, can't complain, the tapers are doing a ridiculously great job of getting the goods out there. :worship I am amazed how fast these shows are showing up! They will show up on etree eventually...

  3. Another wonderful night.. Jeff was much more restrained and focused with the radio audience. Not a lot of one on one and almost no one requesting tunes... I showed up at a little after 7 with two extra tickets and there were several face-value tickets available... was able to get them to some fans, but even the scalpers were selling for face!


    Still, the horns were the best of the 4 nights, much more prominenet in the mix and lo and behold an actual sax solo at one point! Anyone know where Mr Bird has flown to? Wasn't there tonight


    Summerteeth was the highlight for me, as was Hotel Arizona (for the second time in 5 days, what year is this again?)...


    Have to miss tomorrow but got my tickets to some old fans. Strangely enough I have to fly to Tupelo.


    Enjoy tomorrow. Should be some nice surprises left. Every night there's something special...


    I would have to agree with shadowraven, that out of the 4 nights Saturday stands out as the craziest yet. Tonight was still great... Can't wait to hear the FM recording

  4. Would you be willing to sell just one? If not, that's cool, but I would very much like to buy one. Thanks! [email: Brandon.Lee.21@gmail.com]



    Sure will be leaving for the Riv in about 15 minutes. You can have one if you'd like. Sent a message to your gmail account as well with mycell #

  5. Back from night 3 and a much different vibe than Fridaay and Saturday. Show started with a bunch of beautiful quiet numbers... unlike Saturday, you could hear a pin drop during many of the songs. When Shot in the Arm lifted off, Nels was going crazy, as if having to blow off some pent off energy.


    Jeff was funny tonight (again). Right before Jesus etc, he said we're gonna play a few tunes from our first record, and everyone cheered. Then Nels had him check the set list and he change guitars. He came back to the mike and said, " OK this is from the first record you bought." followed by a choris of boos. He then announce that he always "had to shit in the punch bowl." After Jesus etc, he repirmanded the crowd with, You better know all the words to these after that...


    Another: the drunk dude in front of me yelled out, "Don't Play Theologians" which garnered more boos and a clarification request from Jeff. Later, after it was played, someone yelled, "play it again!" Jeff floated the idea of just playing Theologians for the rest of the night in honor of the drunk hollaring.


    Lots of great moments tonight, much farther off the usual play list than first two nights, more adventurous, but not sure as fun as Saturday night. Still lots of good things to come... Looking forward to tomorrow.

  6. Everyone should show up Wednesday in red polyester pants. :thumbup


    This may make Ridiculously Supremely Great Idea #2: what if we take one fashion statement from each band member? What would that look like: Red pants, jean jacket, devil may care hair, white button down shirt, black rimmed glasses, copious amounts of sweat? Does that cover everyone?

  7. For those still in town. Don't miss the Green mill, right next to the Rov. For the runks in the crowd, a latenight visit to Weiner Circle is necessary for proper abuse and cheese fried. It is on Clark. And then there's Smoque, a great BBQ place that frequently sells out. It's just that good. it is on Irving...

  8. With such a strong VC contingent in the house, we need to plan some sort of Wednesday night "Thank You" effort. Beyond painted chests and screaming loudly, let me suggest Wenesday be 'jean jacket' night at the Riv. Imagine 300 of us crowding the front in jean jackets. Of course, I could be wrong but I never make a mistook.

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