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Posts posted by dondoboy

  1. Nice try. Maybe think about checking into reality sometime buddy. I have better things to do than read page and page of excuses. The facts are we are a step away from some sort of fucked up lockdown. Our economy is in shambles but I only get excuses for all of it on this board. Read a few pages back people were claiming it would never reach a level 6. And talk about overreaction. I was only pointing out the unnecessary bizarre steps that have been taken. If you have followed the pattern this far, then you would know they mention raising the threat level and then do. But it never ceases to amaze me the power of ego and denial. And don't worry I won't be reading your snappy, from the hip comeback. A thread full of one liners as your country goes down the tubes. You are wrong plain and simple, but I see you are not grown up enough to admit that. Got it. Enjoy the police state that doesn't exist.

    You don't write children's books, do you?

  2. Favre is like some sort of God in my family of Packer fans. I think my mom would rather he be her son than either of the two she got. And as much as I'd like to watch him play again, he's got to hang it up some time.

  3. Chan told reporters in Geneva. "It really is all of humanity that is under threat in a pandemic." [/i]


    That's martial law for all those not paying attention.

    Well, shit man, Jackie Chan is on it!


    Plus, under martial law, doesn't Bruce Willis get involved?

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