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Posts posted by dondoboy

  1. Detroit high school students could earn up to $2,000 a year for passing major subjects under a bill that is to be introduced in Lansing today.


    It is one of three bills from Sen. Hansen Clarke, D-Detroit, that would reorganize about 30 failing high schools in Detroit Public Schools and offer extra pay to teachers and students for improvements.


    One bill would demand sweeping reorganization, including maximum class sizes of 16 students, character education classes, mentors and individualized learning plans for each student in DPS's high schools that failed to make adequate yearly progress the past five years.


    Clarke said he wants the changes implemented before school lets out for the summer. He said he would approach the Broad Foundation, created by DPS alum Eli Broad to support changes in education, about providing money to pay students for good grades. He has not formally requested it, he added.


    That's nuts.


    Considering this:


    Detroit Schools, the 11th largest district in the country, was dead last in graduating seniors with an appalling 21.7%.
  2. That is one of favorites. I never got the whole Nirvana Unplugged deal. To me, they sounded ragged and forced. I certainly don't think the Bowie cover they did was all that great. I want to say that I read somewhere that Kurt did not really want to do that show - but I am not sure about that.
    The prospect of performing an entirely acoustic show made Cobain nervous.

    The band dedicated two days to rehearsals. The rehearsal sessions were tense and difficult, with the band running into problems performing various songs. During the sessions, Cobain disagreed with MTV as to how the performance should be presented.

    Upset, the day before filming was set to take place Cobain refused to play. However, he appeared at the studio the following afternoon. Cobain was suffering from drug withdrawal and nervousness at the time; one observer said, "There was no joking, no smiles, no fun coming from him . . . Therefore, everyone was more than a little worried about his performance."

    Cobain suggested that the stage be decorated with stargazer lilies, black candles, and a crystal chandelier. Cobain's request prompted the show's producer to ask him, "You mean like a funeral?", to which the singer replied yes

  3. We have spies, don't we? Clandestine operations to ferret out plots and suspected terrorists. If the intelligence communities in this country had not been in competition instead of cooperation before 9/11 it probably would have been thwarted. They seem to be working pretty well now.


    I don't think the intelligence apparatuses are ever going to come out and say "Dude's, we totally caught this guy heading to Omaha and here's how we did it."

  4. New album info from Gene:




    Date: March 27


    ...We've also been recording our first New Studio Album in 11 years!!!. Produced by Paul Stanley. And, having Paul simply decide things, works better. Democracy is highly overrated. Paul is kickin' ass. The material sounds great and Tommy and Eric are in great form.


    We have 4 tunes recorded. If you're a fan of our stuff from about 1977, you'll feel right at home. All of us have taken up the songwriting call to arms in the same spirit we once did -- without a care in the world and without outside writers. Nothing to prove to anyone. Just doing what comes naturally. Ignoring fashions, trends and with a personal vow from all of us: no rapping. There are plenty of people out there doing this and they don't need four palefaced guys pretending they're from the hood. Besides, I'm not sure how to correctly pronounce "wassup."


    Tommy is finishing his solo tune. Sounds great, I can tell you. And Eric is going to sing on the album.


    Most importantly, we are having the time of our lives...

  5. If the Lions do pick Stafford, which is a mistake, I think they'll have to start him. At least somewhere in the season. There's going to be bloody murder screamed in this town if they don't. In fact, the idea that they are going to draft him first is pretty unpopular around here. The Lions brass said yesterday they want whoever its going to be signed by the end of the week, so there's no tomfoolery.


    That said, it should be Curry for the Lions.

  6. If you were alive and old enough to remember what listening to that album was like for the very first time, you would get it.......It was like nothing you had heard before........You have to view it in the context of what it meant at the time of its' release.......It was a milestone in the recording business one might say........But the White Album is my favorite.......

    Wouldn't the term "classic" imply that, no matter the time period, it held up. That it could be listened to in any context and still be great? I don't think of any Led Zeppelin album in the context of what it meant at the time it was released.

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