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Posts posted by dondoboy

  1. I was going by the news today.



    Midday Market Recap: Stocks Near Three-Month High, U.S. Dollar Hammered




    Concerns over the swine flu continue to make headlines. The media are reporting that a 23-month old child from Texas is the first person to die of the swine flu in the U.S. The World Health Organization said it may raise the threat level to 5, one notch below 'pandemic'. According to the Center for Disease Control, there are now 91 cases of the swine flu in the U.S.

    Well, MAY ain't IS, pal o' mine.

  2. And just so you are aware of the WHO threat levels, once we are to level 6 martial law is automatically imposed, which the document I posted lays out clearly. We are now one level away with no improvement in the situation. Something to think about.

    We're actually two away. Level 4+1=5.

  3. Are you kidding? It's not too late. We have under 200 cases in the USA currently. Now would be the ideal time to take steps such as travel restrictions and closing the border if the threat was as bad as they claim. All they are doing now is setting up the perfect circumstances for it to be spread all over this country. And telling you to wash your hands against an airborne virus is useless.

    I want the swine flu now. Just because of this post.

  4. When they say “pigs”, are they really referring to Westerners?

    I don't think so. Egypt is one of only a handful of Muslim countries that even allow pork in their borders.


    Edit: This pig slaughtering thing was what I was talking about before. When paranoia hits and they start killing the livestock, there goes the farmers. And outside of outfits like Smithfield, smaller pig farms are pretty important.

  5. this stuff is pretty scary. a lot of people think the dinosaurs were wiped out by a similar epidemic. when tectonic plate shifting caused Asia and North America to connect, animals were able to migrate around the world with much more ease. they, inevitably, carried disease with them which creatures from other continents were not accustomed to. thanks to our little mosquito buddies, disease spread quite rapidly thus the dinos died.


    we're more advanced than the dinosaurs, obviously, but with the way viruses can acclimate to their surroundings, this threat is still very real.


    i seriously need to stop watching the History Channel. thanks to their current programming, i'm convinced that the sun will blow up soon or that ufos will fly out of their secret bases in the ocean and attack us.

    I thought the dinosaurs were all wiped out by that big hole in New Mexico.

  6. There's also something to be said for doing a little research and buying local. Almost every community has an adjoining farming base. Or one within reasonable distance.


    Edit: Not to make this into a farming thread, but they are related.

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