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Status Updates posted by Kalle

  1. Kalle Mattson at the Blacksheep Inn! is happening tomorrow night! Super super excited to be back!

  2. In Quebec City tonight at Le Cercle!

  3. Rory is a stoop destroyer.

  4. Tour is off to a great start already, Rory just went to pick up Jimmie up at his dad's... He moved out three months ago. Quebec City tomorrow, Montreal Friday and Wakefield at the Blacksheep on Saturday!

  5. Watch The Throne upon first listen is ridickless, chalk full of bangers.

  6. Hey we're playing Loplops tonight, we'll be on around 8:30, should be a goodie!

  7. Kalle Mattson Live @ Loplops - JIMMIES LAST SSM SHOW is happening tomorrow night, doors at 7:30, message me for tickets (there is roughly 20 left and maybe a few at the door).

  8. I just called Cayllan Cassavia and asked what she was up to. She replied "just doing my crossword". Lord oh lord...

  9. Just met a couple at the post office that said they enjoyed my records, but the husband told me he "dug the early stuff more because it's more chill". I think he's the first Kalle Mattson PURIST! Thoughts? Jimmie Chiverelli Rory Lewis

  10. Jay Z and Kanye in Sept.? Awe yeah.

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