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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. My first show was last year, June 28th in Calgary. I drove up to Calgary by myself for the show and had a hell of a time finding the folk festival office to buy tickets for the folk fest. later in the summer. I was all stressed out driving, as I don't know Calgary very well, and there's really crappy singage. Because it took me sooooo long to find the fold festival office, I just decided to go to the venue instead of grabbing something to eat.


    I got there around 4:00pm, and was 4th in line (it was GA). I was soooo damn excited, and I met some really cool people waiting in line. Elliot Brood opened the show, and I loved them!! Then when Wilco came on, I felt so wierd! I had that moment of fandom (omg, Jeff Tweedy is right in front of me!!!!) and then was just blown away during the entire show. I got to hear the very first live take of Impossible Germany, got some great banter, and the audience was VERY into the concert. I left the concert feeling so joyful and beautiful! I was so stunned, that it took me about an hour to find where I parked! I had the biggest smile on my face the entire drive home that night!


    I can't wait to see them again, hopefully sometime later this summer/fall!!!

  2. In an article linked somewhere on this board, it said that more North American dates would be announced for the end of august and september. I can't wait too!! But we have to be patient...

  3. Damn! I tried to stay awake all night to catch this, but fell asleep on the couch and missed the whole thing... :( Can't wait to hear this one, thanks to the taper of the webcast.


    Also, YAY to Froggie!! Glad you aussies had such a great time!!

  4. Hey, I don't know if you were actually looking for a reply, or just felt the need to put your feelings in writing...either way, I'm sorry you're feeling shitty. I'm sorry you've lost a friend. I'm sorry that Wilco's music seems to be intrinsically mingled with memories of your friend, but maybe one day you'll be able to listen to it with new ears and find a deeper (or maybe just a different) appreciation for the music. And maybe you won't. I don't know.


    If you're ever feeling the need to talk to people about all of the tiny details about Wilco and their music, then you should pop up here more often! That's what we all seem to thrive on, and this is a great community to share the obsession that is Wilco, when other "non-Wilco people" will just roll their eyes at us. I hope you feel better...and I hope that you can find a way to make it to the concert in Indy if you feel up to it. It could turn out to be the catalyst for a new way of experiencing Wilco. Here's to feeling better!!! :cheekkiss :cheers

  5. Just noticed there's a link to some spanish music station on the homepage @ wilcoworld. I went to the page, but alas, I don't speak a word of Spanish. Maybe someone else can explain it...


    possibly a contest to make a music video for "What Light"? I don't know...

  6. "death"


    The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 6:57 Bob Dylan The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Live 1964, Concert At Philharmonic Hall Folk

    The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 5:47 Bob Dylan The Times They Are A-Changin' [uK] Folk

    The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll [Live] 5:25 Bob Dylan & The Rolling Thunder Review Live 1975 - The Rolling Thunder Revue (Bootleg Series Vol. 5) [Disc 1] Folk

    Death Is A Star 3:13 The Clash Combat Rock Alternative & Punk 1 06/12/06 9:25 PM

    Death or Glory 3:55 The Clash London Calling Alternative & Punk

    The Death of All The Romance 5:56 The Dears No Cities Left Indie 1 18/12/06 8:41 PM

    Oh Death Where Is Thy Sting?-Eric Mingus/Gary Lucas 4:30 The Harry Smith Project Disc 1 Folk

    03 - proving death again 3:27 Jeff Tweedy Live @ Marty's

    Special Death 2:32 Mirah Advisory Committee General Alternative

    Love and Death 4:15 The Stills Logic Will Break Your Heart Rock


    next word: "toes"

  7. One of the big reasons many groups are opposing the 2010 olympics in vancouver is because of all of the money being spent on the construction/renovations of buildings and infrastructure, when there is a whole community of people who need affordable housing and other basic needs. If you've ever been to east hastings, you know what i'm talking about. If the millions of dollars slated for the olympics were instead spent on programs and organizations that are trying to help these people, I think that would make a huge improvement to the lives of so many...


    In saying this, I do have to admit that I've gotten into speedskating the past couple of olympics. Man!! Thunder-thighs galore!!

  8. It snowed here for about the last three days, although it hasn't been too bad temperature wise. It warmed up this afternoon, and hopefully there will be sunny skies tomorrow!


    *on a sidenote, reading everyone's posts just reminded me that I really don't understand why 'fahrenheit' is used as opposed to 'celsius'. It just seems very logical to me to have a unit where 0 is the basis from which everything is measured. I don't know...I'm not trying to push any 'wacky' ideas onto people, just curious.

  9. Oh believe you me, it is! You should all try and get this cookbook called "Rebar: modern food cookbook" by Audrey Alsterberg and Wanda Urbanowicz. These women have a restaurant in Victoria BC, and my mom picked up this cookbook in Vancouver. The only downside to the book is that there are no pictures, however, everything that I've tried from it has been fantastic! My parents are happy that I'm finally getting into cooking...and it turns out, so am I!

  10. I think there are a lot of Wilco fans who think this new stuff (AGIB and SBS) is real Wilco because they have never really got how good Summerteeth and YHF are.


    How do you know what the 'real Wilco' is? You obviously prefer Summerteeth and YHF, and that's great. But that doesn't mean that other people are missing out on the 'true' greatness of Wilco because they prefer something else. Please remember that its not a matter of who's right or wrong when discussing favourite albums or music. Everyone is different, and that difference should be respected.

  11. Recipe #2: Vegan French Toast




    1 banana

    1 cup plain rice or soy milk

    1 cup coconut milk

    1 tsp vanilla

    1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg

    1/4 tsp cinnamon

    1 1/2 tsp arrowroot powder or cornstarch

    1/4 tsp salt

    1 loaf multigrain bread


    1. Place all ingredients (except bread) into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a large shallow bowl and set aside.


    2. Slice bread into slices. Heat a griddle or pan and brush with hot oil. Submerge bread slices in the batter, lift out with a pair of tongs and place on the hot pan. Cook until golden brown, flip and cook on the reverse side. Serve immediately with your favorite toppings.


    This is the best French Toast I've ever tasted. My mom usually makes it on Christmas morning and other special occasions. Treat yourself, and just make these!!!!

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