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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. Recipe #1: Curried Chick Pea Soup




    8 cups vegetable stock

    1 tsp cumin seed

    2 tbsp vegetable oil

    1 tsp coriander seed

    1 yellow onion, finely diced

    1 tsp paprika

    2 tsp salt

    1 tsp garam masala

    2 bay leaves

    1/4 tsp cracked pepper

    8 garlic cloves

    1/8 tsp tumeric

    3 tbsp minced ginger

    3 cups canned chick peas, drained

    2 jalapeno peppers, seeded*

    1/4 cup prepared mango chutney

    1 red pepper

    1/2 can coconut milk

    6 ripe tomatoes**

    1/2 bunvh of cilantro, minced





    1. Heat oil in a soup pot and add onion, 1 tsp salt and bay leaves. Saute until the onions are soft and golden. Meanwhile, place the garlic, ginger, jalapenos, pepper and tomatoes in a food processor and pulse until the vegetables form a rough puree. Set aside.


    2. Next, grind the cumin and coriander seeds. Add these and all remaining spices to the sauteed onions and continue cooking and stirring for 5 minutes. Add the vegetable puree and another teaspoon of salt and simmer until small blobs of oil pool on the surface. Add the chick peas and stock and bring to a simmer. Cook several minutes, then add the chutney and coconut milk. Using a potato masher, gently mash the chickpeas against the bottom of the pot to break them up slightly and thicken the soup. Simmer and season to taste with salt and cracked pepper. Add chopped cilantro just before serving.


    * I didn't have jalapenos, so I put one tsp of chipolte chili sauce in. To make this, just get a can of chipolte chiles in adobo sause and puree the can.

    ** I only used 3 tomatoes cause its all I had


    Not kidding you, this has got to be the best soup ever!!! Clears the nasal passage, that's for sure!

  2. First Album: Dave Matthews with Tim Reynolds live

    First Concert: I was 6 years old and I had to have an operation on my leg to saw off this big bump that hurt anytime I bumped it on something. The night before the operation my mom took me to see The Rankin Family to take my mind off of it. :wub My second concert was The Moffats (not my idea, my friend forced me in grade 4), and then in the summer of 2005 (I think) I went to Calgary to see Bob Dylan. I tend to tell people that he was my first concert.

  3. I totally agree with you. I've been listening to this cd for about the past month on repeat. My favourite tracks are 'The Limit To Your Love', 'I Feel it All', 'My Moon My Man', and 'How My Heart Behaves'. I wish I could go and see her in Calgary in May, but I have to save up any extra $$ for possible Wilco excursions in the fall. Its really a great album over all. There's not one track I don't like.

  4. I doubt that those who requested "rare/random songs" did so just to be "cool". If people have a chance to request one of their favorite songs, regardless of how 'known' or 'popular' or 'mainstream' it is, then they should take advantage of that opportunity and do so. And it seems like many did take advantage of the amazing opportunity. I really doubt that people's requests were based on how 'cool' it would make them seem. I'm not attacking you, just putting in my two cents...

  5. I think Impossible Germany > Handshake Drugs would be awesome or Handshake Drugs > Impossible Germany... sound killer.


    When I saw them in Calgary last year, that's how the night started off, Handshake Drugs> Impossible Germany....and it was fantastic!!!

  6. I thought Babel was good, but not great. I didn't really think it deserved all of the oscar buzz.


    Last night, I saw Reign on Me, which I thought was really good. I really love Don Cheadle's work, and Adam Sandler is so great in this. There were a few tears shed, i really can't help these things.

  7. oh man! i'm sure happy for all of you easterners who will get to go and see them. i really hope that in late august they play some west coast dates, and maybe i'll catch a flight to vancouver...

  8. Alright...so I've had the gumbo pages version of this song for a long time, but I don't like playing it because its too low for me to sing along with. Now I'm no guitar wiz, so I was wondering if any of you might know how to play this song in a higher register...that's probably the wrong terminology... is there a way to do this by just playing with a capo, and if so what would be the chords with the capo on...


    thanks for any help, and just a word to the wise, any responses should be very specific, as i can be quite daft when it comes to these things. :cheekkiss

  9. this semester one of my classes is the history of rock and roll (1948-68). i've become obbsessed with The Coasters! I would recommend the songs 'Little Egypt', 'Down in Mexico', and 'Smokey Joe's Cafe'. There fantastic!

  10. Alrighty, here's Mix #2


    1. Voxtrot- Raised by Wolves

    2. The Rosebuds- Hold Hands and Fight

    3. The Pipettes- Pull Shapes

    4. Belle and Sebastion- Winter Wooksie

    5. Malajube- Jus de Canneberger

    6. Malajube- Montreal 40'C

    7. One Second Bridge- The Ghost

    8. The Lovely Feathers- I Really Like You

    9. Colleen- In The Train With No Lights

    10. Peter Bjorn and John- Amsterdam

    11. Junior Boys- Count Souvenirs

    12. Ane Brun- Common Bird

    13. Peter Bjorn and John- Young Folks

    14. Lisa Germano- Red Thread

    15. Worlds End Girlfriend- We Are The Massacre

    16. The Concretes- New Friend

    17. Voxtrot- Four Long Days

    18. Au Revoir Simone- Stay Golden

    19. Sweek- Everybody Takes The Plane

    20. Belle and Sebastion- I'm Waking Up To Us

    21. Lisa Germano- Except For The Ghosts

    22. Magison- Hold On To Happiness


    This mix tends to be a little bit more popish than the first mix. Enjoy!

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