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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. I first discovered Hunter's work when I was in grade 9, about 6 years ago. Up until that point, I had always had a dream of becoming a pediatrition. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was my first HST read, and it changed everything. I became infatuated with his work and slowly bought and read everything of his I could get my hands on. I started to see myself writing for a living. After I'm done with my poli sci degree, I'd like to go to journalism school. My ultimate dream is to create a magazine. Hunter gave me that dream, and I'll be forever greatfull

  2. I think that the wishes of the tapers should be respected. They are the ones who put the time and effort in this in order to share the amazing music that they capture. It would make sense that they want only the best quality recordings being circulated. I am no computer wizz, but I have managed to learn how to convert the flac into wav so I can listen to them on my ipod...its really not hard. I think its the least that everyone else can do...just leard a bit about torrents...not so hard!

  3. I'm am soooo excited for the new album!! I'm so happy that shake it off is on there, as well as imposible germany...and all the others too! I do hope that You are my Face turns out to be LNGCA...it'd be interesting to hear a studio version of that one!

  4. i have an acousitc guitar that my mom bought my dad for christmas one year before they got married, i think in 1977. he never learned how to play, and the guitar got neglected until about 2001 when i started taking some lessons. it's a gorgeous gibson epiphone, and i wouldn't part with it for anything...

  5. i'm sorry to say that i haven't been able to get a hold of any of nels' work and his varying projects. my music store here is very limited. for my birthday, i've decided it's time to splurge on the wilco store. i need to get glenn's albums as well...come on May...get here faster!!!

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