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Posts posted by froggie

  1. people who cant go anywhere without clutching a hugearse bottle of water to their chests like they're holding their baby. its not as if they're in the desert or something. and this was during the winter. if they're thirsty, nip into the nearest pub or cup your hand under the cold water tap in the toilets and have a sip

  2. The next night he played Gun and I yelled at him to "sing it high" because he was using a capo to play it in a lower key and he acted like it was kind of dragging. And, by god, he played it high. That motor boatin sob...one of the coolest musical nights ever.


    ah that was you? :shifty

    some of us loved the lower register vocals on it :lol

  3. Wow...


    down here it's the other way around. I wish I could post some pics but there are some things happening in the garden which let us know that spring is close to arriving: tiny lizards scurrying around the steps as we walk up to the front door, buds emerging on our citrus tree. It's like the whole place has been asleep and is just starting to rub its eyes awake...


    Fritz in Sydney


    same down here..

    weather's warming up into the 20's this week as well.. blue skies - spring is here :dancing

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