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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. Did you make his school supplies out of sustainable harvested tree bark and sh*t?
  2. i'm having a haaaaaaaht attack heyah at the office.
  3. I don't even know what the f*ck you're saying. Did you buy spawns school supplies at walmart?
  4. Wait, so driving to my library to pick up a movie is less of a carbon foot print than having it delivered with my mail, by my mailman, who drives a hybrid mail truck (maybe even electric!) and is coming to my house anyway to deliver other mail? Do you own two homes now?
  5. We, some of us have these wacky things called "jobs" and can't get to the library on a regular basis.
  6. I used to feel bad for him in NY but after last year and that bullshit he pulled at the end of the season, and choosing to stay with the Yankees, i figure he deserves it.
  7. I will bring this back on message: choices: Braves Nats game saturday or co-worker's baby's first birthday or drive to CT to visit my family for the weekend. Traffic will probably suck, huh?
  8. I am pretty sure I didn't talk caliber into running home to turn the TiVO on, and yes you can do it online, but we haven't set that up yet, unfortunately. Luckily i have an mlb.com subscription so i can at least listen to the game, but i can't leave the office to get a coke or I'll miss something!
  9. If you people haven't seen "Who Killed The Electric Car" put it at the top of your netflix RIGHT NOW.
  10. I laffed out loud! But is he going to stay involved with ESPN because honestly he's such a freaking prick on tv! SHIT! me too! i can at least listen on gameday audio... edit: oh,, maybe i can talk caliber into going home at lunch to set the tivo machine....
  11. oh my cod that is so awesome. or are you pulling my leg?! that is the best baby picture EVER
  12. I was serious about the graphic-design-car-personality-off. I think it will be fun. Its not like you guys have anything better to do. You know, Pee, if you put half the time into designing your personality car as you have been researching--well, you'd be done by now and having a peanut butter sammich with your feet up and a fluffy cat in your lap purring. maybe getting a backrub from the old man. While watching tiVo.
  13. We would have gotten a prius if it was clad in pony fur. I think pee and isadorah should have a graphic-off where they design their cars as extensions of their personality. and then we vote. And that's how Pee "decides" what car to get. That suggested: there is a lot of conflicting information out there regarding hybrids vs diesel vs fuel efficiency blah blah blah blah.
  14. he didn't have crazy hair sticking out under his hat when he was with the A's? He was with the A's, right?
  15. oh my cod she is so cute! i can't believe how big! and those blue eyes! they are like the atlantic ocean.
  16. I figured once he talked about it at work, it would be out of the bag, so to speak...
  17. We could use some of the baby furniture.
  18. First: congrats on your big win! how come no pictures?! also: i am thinking that i'd like to get rid of my ancient rockhopper, which for a mt bike, is in pretty good shape since i never really took out in the solid hard cord woods, and get something a little lighter, a little more street friendly. I went to an independent bike shop here in college park yesterday and looked at the Specialized Sirrus Comp http://www.specialized.com/bc/SBCBkModel.jsp?sid=08Sirrus but it was $1200.00 which seems a little pricey for a bike i'll mostly be riding around the neighborhood and take on vacations and
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