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Posts posted by jenbobblehead

  1. This is what i have to say about that: If you're not willing to do anything to make the earth a better place for your kids, then you're a gigantic asshole, regardless of your political beliefs. it has nothing to do with a taxing scam, it has everything to do with changing behaviors--keep more crap out of the landfill, recycle more, drive less, don't use chemicals if you don't have to, get more energy efficient appliances and vehicles, invest in alternative energies that don't poison people, and use less water. Is it really that hard? Is it really that hard to believe? Honestly?

  2. Did you ever see that episode of The Shield where Vic Mackey puts the two drug dealers in a connex box for the night, in hopes that they will work out their differences, but one kills the other? The island would be like that. Does that help?

  3. I think it was Lundy's daughter. An unknown quantity. Someone on another message board suggest that the coffin is part of the "trinity" it is the unknown vagrant that he buries in the coffin, symbolizing himself and how he compartmentalized. I kind of like that theory. Lundy never picked up on some homeless dude going missing in all the communities, it could totally happen.

  4. The shooter was someone that Lundy recognized, but not someone that Deb necessarily knew. Perhaps it is someone from Lundy's past, who we have not yet been introduced to yet. Perhaps a jealous lover, or a child he left behind to chase down murderers.

  5. this is a guy who has not been Mr. clutch in the playoffs, and he's finally shrugging off that horrible curse. Good for him. Still hate the Yankees though and I hope that the Angels pull it out of their butts soon and start playing better.

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