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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. i love coffee ice cream. We tried to make some ourselves one day and i was awake for 2 days straight.
  2. rules are rules, i guess, but it is unfortunate when those rules don't allow for the friendly back and forth between opposing teams...there is enough nasty smack talking between teams. It would be nice to know that guys are not all like that (and i know they aren't, but you only hear the bad stuff a lot of the time.)
  3. pssst. the yankees are in L.A.S.T. place.
  4. you can take it to a good florist and see if they can figure out the problem. I am not an indoor plant person but i can grow just about anything OUTside.
  5. you know, ms yvon has been known to take in orange kitties, perhaps you could stay with her? she lives in the cool part of town, i hear...
  6. i was going to ask this group if it would consider that to be cannibalism...
  7. these are all awesome. Thanks everyone. you may very well have saved my job.
  8. i love stories like these. someone should make a movie of it!
  9. here are flavors that i assume would be worse than cinnamon bun: hotdog cheddar chip cat box treat leftovers cod liver surprise vomit chunk
  10. he said he would be in Boston this week, gloating.
  11. oh, and here's another one just in case the two above are too modern.
  12. this is a message for gsteinb/gershon/fan.boy. who taunted me in PMs last week even though i'm slated for surgery on Thursday, will be crippled for months and probably have lung cancer: note that these are ergonomically designed brooms for arthritic hands. love, jen
  13. you kids and your crazy tech-no-logy.
  14. i wonder how many kids who went to bible study end up as mass murderers. Or conversely, how many mass murderers were bible study kids.
  15. look people, if the girl with the tumor can donate to CF so you can you, so the next time i refresh Maudie's page i want to see everyone's name up there with a little freaking cheer for her. thank you in advance.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agK2uZBNbnU
  17. outside the fridge: Inside the fridge: the freezer:
  18. yay! babies! (i'm not having one, so quit spreading that rumor you people.) Yay!
  19. we passed as well. we'll see if there are any tickets someone needs to dump closer to the date. $90 is a little much, i think.
  20. since this appears to be the preferred way of getting ahold of someone--Edie Welch, when are you coming east again and for how long?
  21. holy mackeral, how did i miss this! Happy Birthday you people! x 2 + + =
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