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Nonlinear Nonfiction

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Posts posted by Nonlinear Nonfiction

  1. Congrats to Cards fans...


    ...not for winning the World Series, but because people are once again talking about your town in positive light on VC. Remember, we'll be watching you next time Wilco takes the stage in your town... :huh


    ...no but seriously, Congratulations.

  2. Honestly, I'd like to see it...



    if I liked throwing up in my mouth. :barf


    Can anyone tell me why Dylan supported this? How much blame do we place on him? Did the New York Times reporter see this before designating a featured article in their usually awesome Sunday magazine?


    I've never seen so many highly respected institutions (Bob Dylan - yes he IS an institution, Twyla Tharp and Co., and The New York Times) have such poor judgment simultaneously.


    *note I did not include The View in that list.

  3. I've heard that there were three of these charity shows played. I've heard a recording from Edie's living room and one from Hotel S N S. Can anyone shed some light on those two shows and tell me where/when the other show(s) were?


    What is Hotel S N S?

  4. muzac


    Oh, c'mon, no way...you probably listened to one track, or a part of one track?


    "After forty years of recording acoustic music, it's not very often that a new band catches (and keeps) my attention. Old School Freight Train has done that and more. Their finely crafted tunes and innovative arrangements bring creativity, taste and wit to a broad spectrum of contemporary styles - vocal and instrumental, all firmly rooted in many traditions. They are certainly an emerging force to reckon with in today's wide world of acoustic music."

    - David Grisman


    For those of you who don't know...David "Dawg" Grisman collaborated regularly with Jerry Garcia and is considered to be the father of bluegrass music. Sorry, Skian, if bluegrass music isn't as POPULAR as rock but these guys are good and deserve more respect than that - Pickin' On Wilco isn't their only good work.


    Pickin' On Wilco is timeless and really captures the essence of the songs included on it. I wish they recorded more Wilco songs that way.

  5. When I'm in Minnesota I hear them occassionally on 89.3 the Current


    That's because I call 89.3 The Current at 11:00 p.m. everyday and request Wilco. Hah! I don't even live in Minnesota right now (I'm in school in Madison, Wisc.) but that is the best radio station in the world and I still call to make requests. It's no. 5 on my speed dial. :music

  6. Dear Wilco,


    Thank you for giving us free music. Thank you for broadcasting from the 930 club last week. Thank you for having the world premier of Sunken Treasure online. Thank you for including amazing shows in the Roadcase on your website. Thank you for including free mp3s with the Sunken Treasure DVD. Thank you for supporting JHamm and The DVD Project (you do support JHamm, right?) Thank you for not giving up even though you were dubbed an Alt-Country band by lousy critics. Thank you for printing great posters for all of your concerts. Thank you for being on the cutting edge of online music sharing. Thank you for letting tapers live free. Thank you for punching disrespectful fans in the face (or choking them, or just throwing them off stage - whatever you do, you do it well). Thank you for A.M., Being There, Mermaid Ave I & II, Summerteeth, YHF & AGiB. Oh, and Kicking Television. Thank you for thanking us for nothing at all. Thank you for always playing a show somewhere nearby.


    Thank you,



  7. i'm pretty sure he was a referring to AM. on one his shows he said (paraphrasing) "this song's from the bastard child of the wilco catalogue"


    Nooo...maybe he said that about A.M. also! hah, I wouldn't be surprised...but I'm almost positive he said the same thing about Summerteeth. No matter, I still feel the same about that album.

  8. Oh man, imagine if Jeff had played "Black Eye" after that. Awesomeawesomeawesome.


    I've thought the same thing... I don't know what is better - Jeff punching a fan in the face for trying to kiss him mid-song or playing Black Eye after someone shouts "Black Eye sucks!" from the audience.

  9. bas‧tard / bas-terd

    1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.

    2. something irregular, inferior, spurious, or unusual.


    I can't remember where it was (it might have been July 2, 2006 in Duluth but the shows I was at sometimes blur with the ones I download)... anyways... Jeff referred to Summerteeth as Wilco's "bastard" album. Anyone know when/where that was?


    Nontheless, I think that's the best way I've heard that album categorized. It might be their best album (depends on the day of the week for me). But, it's definitely a little out of place compared to the other albums. Maybe if it was mixed differently, it would live up to the supersonic expectations we've come to expect from YHF or AGiB, and of course one cannot ignore the quasi-pop feel that seems absent from every other Wilco record. I, for one, have a difficult time believing that Wilco albums could be improved. There is a hint of destiny in their albums in that one somehow leads the next.


    For those of us that bought A.M., thought "wow, this is damn cool"...waited for Being There, fell in love... waited for Summerteeth, thought "where are they going with this?"... waited for YHF (wondering all along if it would ever be released) and then waited for AGiB ...Summerteeth makes perfect sense - I wish all Wilco fans (the majority of which probably heard Summerteeth and A.M. sometime after YHF came out) had the opportunity to go back and relive the evolution of the greatest band in the world.



    Honestly, it is one of the best cover albums I own or could even imagine. It blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still does (which is why I listen to it OFTEN). Those guys are amazing and very talented. They manage to stay true to Tweedy and Co.'s musical genius while giving every song a unique touch of their own...it's so good I'm surprised they didn't collaborate...or did they?


    You'll have to hear it to believe it.


    *** This message is meant for ANYONE who hasn't heard Pickin' On Wilco. I suggest you go and BUY it somewhere! It's so good!

    But, I would also like to take a second and say thanks to Wilco and other artists that are gracious enough to let us trade our own recordings of their live shows without penalty, or to bands like Wilco that give endless access to free music via the internet. In return the LEAST we can do is pay for their official releases. Tandylacker - If you're going to take part in forms of downloading that directly insults the artists this site is dedicated to, not to mention implicates you for illegal behavior, I strongly recommend you find a different crowd to hang out with. Your first question was a GREAT one but your second inquiry is NOT in the spirit of this website.

  11. I'm seeing Dylan in Madison, Wisc. on Halloween night and, naturally, I've been following his setlists on this current tour. I've never followed a tour of his this closely but i've followed his career close enough to think that this might be one of the most prolific arrangements of his songs that he has ever attempted to play in a single tour. It's like he wants to play every song he ever recorded at least once...


    Anyone agree/disagree/know this for a fact?


    How does the man remember all those damn lyrics?!

  12. From Can Science Explain Everything? Anything?

    By Steven Weinberg

    Just as there are deep mathematical theorems that show the impossibility of proving that arithmetic is consistent, it seems likely that we will never be able to prove that the most fundamental laws of nature are mathematically consistent.


    This is supposed to be fun... I just thought people might like a place to really hash out comments like


    "Tweedy > Bennett"

  13. Well, one way to celebrate I guess is to try and show our love for Being There in as many ways as possible via this forum... so now that we've placed it among London Calling, The Wall, Physical Graffiti & Melon Collie and the Inifinte Sadness ...what I would like to know is...


    What's your favorite line/moment on Being There?


    My vote -


    "Why...would you...wanna live...in this world?" then an awesome banjo/piano duet :thumbup

  14. Seriously, is it the tenth anniversary? We definitely need to celebrate... :cheers


    Being There is the best studio made two-disc album from any band that I own, anyone know of any others that can compare?

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