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Nonlinear Nonfiction

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Posts posted by Nonlinear Nonfiction

  1. You may also note that I love Wilco. And I love every album. (not a.m. I don't love a.m.)

    And you can note that with all of my setlist bitching I am talking about their setlists, not their music.


    I'm just going to note that you claim to have heard this album but haven't said anything about it.

  2. Are there any other boards out there that are as active and passionate as Via Chicago (specifically designated in honor of a single band?) I know there are music discussions going on around the net...what have you seen/heard?


    Sometimes I close my eyes and pretend there is an Arcade Fire board somewhere where everyone is going nuts over Neon Bible and Wilco occasionally get's mentioned in a "Their Funeral" section designated for "Non-Arcade Fire Related Music Posts."


    EDIT: I just checked and there is in fact an Arcade Fire forum called "Us Kids Know" but, don't worry, it doesn't compare to VC.

  3. I don't know - sometimes I think Soul Asylum is a little "popish" and can kinda see DP wanting to have the same depth of words as Finn. IMHO.


    Well, i can respect that, you're entitled to an opinion! I actually really thought maybe there was some connection between the bands I was missing out on! Rock on...

  4. i have heard this album. it's good, but it isn't what it should/could be.

    but i am sure everyone knows this since most people have heard the majority of these songs live

    it just doesn't have the presence of a great album. it's nice. but nothing to bite onto.


    no more drunk posting please!

  5. Bummer, I agree. I'm an avid firefox user and was disappointed. I did, however, come across an add-on/plugin for firefox that allows you to change a tab to some sort of IE format, eliminating the need to switch browsers when websites (like netflix) don't support firefox. I plan on checking this out when I get home.


    Please explain more...I have the same problem. Well, plus I'm on a mac. Any ideas of how to get around this problem?

  6. NetFlix


    I'm currently trying to get through about 20 documentaries from Netflix that I have found are not availalable from Blockbuster online before switching over. The in-store swap feature of their rental program is the sole reason why I think Blockbuster has Netflix beat on this one. If I want to watch the movie on my comp, I'll just put the DVD in the drive...rather than stream the video online.

  7. I'm standing by my original guess of December 31st, 1971.


    I don't have time to listen to the recording to see if his age was mentioned, but since they sang happy birthday to Glenn on new years eve 2004 (MSG show), December 31st, 1971 is a great guess...HOWEVER! They sang it after Auld Lang Syne which means perhaps his birthday is actually January 1st, 1972? hmmmm

  8. if you're in the us stealing beatles records from a torrent hosted in denmark, leeching from a fan in hong kong, where does the crime actually happen? which laws apply?


    I know the desire to believe that kind of thought, but I hate to break it to you: the crime happens at your fingertips, so in that specific example - U.S. laws apply and the crime is on you.

  9. The beautiful thing about Oink (for a Pirate, at least) is that everyone must be uploading a good ratio in order to participate: which means (in theory) an MPAA investigator who is simply trying to get on the site to catch people would have to start uploading high quality music in order to do so...which isn't likely. Also, because Oink moderates each torrent so closely - deleting anything that doesn't follow it's rules perfectly - I doubt anyone would be able to get one of those fake trackers up there (mentioned by Analogman earlier in this thread). If someone uploaded one of those fake trackers, it would be reported within 10 minutes and taken down...believe me, I uploaded Wilco's complete 1995 Horde Festival appearance and it was deleted twice: first because I didn't name each of the 50+ tracks with the song title and date, then the second time because it was considered a "multi-album torrent." I mean, Oink has a LOT of weird rules that would make it extremely difficult for the MPAA or RIAA to get on and secretly do much damage. What it would take, I think, is for them to go after the Oink creators and get a court to order that Oink hand over all the member's IP addresses, etc. Can that happen? Absolutely.


    I used Oink a LOT for about a month, but then started to rethink it's merits. If the viachicago tracker were up, I could most definitely satisfy my 'crack/torrent' addiction there, but alas, any word on that?!

  10. After discussing this with a good friend we have determined that because Sky Blue Sky has just the right amount of buzz, and absolutely no "overhype," it will ride the critical acclaim of YHF and AGiB into gold status in less than 12.2 minutes after release. I have an inkling that Sky Blue Sky will be Wilco's mosts accessible album because the songs are just plain fun - as always the newest Wilco release will welcome another expansion to the band's already mammothly wacko crowd.

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