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Nonlinear Nonfiction

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Posts posted by Nonlinear Nonfiction

  1. Clue: The narrator is living sometime before 1995 and after 1982 (cigarettes are too expensive now to buy them and a coke for $3.63 and Diet Coke was introduced in 1982).


    *1995 is an estimate, I don't smoke and I could not find good statistics on the price of Coke and Cigarettes over the past decade.

  2. http://download.owlandbear.com/


    check this place, updated often. i'm really going to urge you to learn how to utilize .flac files - you will immediately expand the amount of music available to yourself 1,000%. It's an extremely simple and fast two-step process - first, convert the files from .flac to .aiff (or .wav) using xACT or countless other programs, then convert that to .mp3 in itunes.


    here is another link for xACT that should work:




    * I downloaded my first FLAC show in November 2006 and right now sitting next to me is a pile of over 80 shows burned onto disc and on my hard drive is probably another 30 or 40. I, too, was oblivious to the wonders of FLAC and torrents and by no means am I a computer whiz. This stuff is easy and the amount of fun you can have with it is endless. Take a little bit of time and read about it, experiment with it and soon you too can enjoy music trading of the future!

  3. no, not at all. its just noraml for an album to make its way on the internet about 2 months before it is released - so a month in advance on tour wouldnt be a suprise. No if anything OZ is a bit behind regular releases


    But just because it leaks online, I can't imagine that they would just start selling it in stores down there? At least, it doesn't work that way here in the states... do people sell pirated copies of the leak in stores - download the tunes, burn the CD's and make some money?

  4. oh I hear what you are saying - it'll be a late 'leak' - and when I think of leak I think of it showing up on the internet an available via bit torrent or along those lines. But an aussie release would indeed be a nice leak


    Are you saying that it's typical for an album to be released in stores down under more than a month early? If so, I'm shocked!

  5. It's all about the fashion, silly.


    Sad, but true. My girlfriend and her roommates actually sit down and watch the E! red carpet, the official red-carpet, the Oprah Special...everything. The actual award show is about 10% of their entertainment for the evening.



  6. I'll be honest with you, Dreamin... when I first saw this topic post I thought it was lame, but then when I was listening to Wilco over the past few days I couldn't stop thinking about who I thought would choose different songs to cover and it turned out to be pretty fun. I also like to see what everyone else has said so far.

  7. Here's my entire tribute album:


    Pink Floyd - Radio Cure

    Pearl Jam - Kicking Television

    Beach Boys - Candyfloss

    Ben Folds - Reservations

    Detroyer - Kamera

    Johnny Cash - Forget the Flowers

    Talking Heads - Spiders (Kidsmoke)

    G. Love & Special Sauce - I'm The Man Who Loves You

    Flaming Lips - Muzzle of Bees

    Leonard Cohen - I Am Trying To Break Your Heart*

    Norah Jones - (Was I) In Your Dreams

    Weezer - Too Far Apart


    * I can't take credit for this one, I just really liked the suggestion.

  8. You're right about the sound, actually...I heard the buzzing, too. I just liked how they seemed to play to the atmosphere. It was so quiet in there and the audience tamed by the seats, the band - though they were noticably rusty - seemed to bring out some of the sounds in those songs that get lost when they play somewhere like a sold-out First Ave. I really liked how you could hear every note on the keys, for instance. I was at First Ave in December, too, and agree that it was a better show.

  9. Alright, now I've found the Bob Dylan forum...called Expecting Rain




    And, of course, I just had to track down the latest Wilco discussion... not surprisingly the first post about Wilco is partially about how i"In an alternate universe there'd be an album of [Woody Guthrie] songs written and performed by Dylan and The Band, probably. Interesting what could have been." (Referring to Mermaid Ave. I & II. You see, in Dylan's Chronicles Vol. 1, he writes about making a trek to upstate New York in the sixties in search of some old Woody Guthrie lyrics left behind by the singer.


    Anyways, here are some of their posts about our beloved band, even about new songs!:






  10. Okay, so I just got back from the Tapes 'n Tapes / Chuck Klosterman show at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul, MN.


    In case that sounds weird...it was. The night consisted of Tapes 'n Tapes playing three sets and between the sets was pop-culture critic/author Chuck Klosterman sitting on a cozy chair and answering painfully lame questions from Minnesota Public Radio personality Mary Lucia. Boy was she annoying. Klosterman handled her bonehead questions extemely well, I thought, and made the $15 dollars well worth it. He is quite entertaining and I recommend his books (if you haven't read his interview with Tweedy days before entering rehab then you should take a break from calling yourself a Wilco fan until you have) But the real treat of the night was Tapes 'n Tapes. What a fantastic band. Believe the hype. They're about to embark on a national tour and if their show isn't already sold out wherever you are, then get a ticket NOW and start counting down the days on your calendar. The band is about to finish the songs for their next, highly anticipated, album and will be featuring the new songs on the tour. Unfortunately, they didn't play new stuff tonight, but the songs from their first record (The Lune) were on display in a way I will assume they never have been before (and maybe never will again). The sound in the theater was phenomenal and brought out the slightest nuances of their blissful rock.


    Taste that.

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