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Posts posted by socbret

  1. As background music, Summerteeth is pretty straightforward. Lyrics, no, but music? Pretty straightforward.

    I can buy that.


    Being 21 I don't think I remember a time when MTV was even remotely relevant. By the time I really started watching, 120 minutes was at the tail end of it's run. My first memories of watching MTV are from The Smashing Pumpkins "Tonight, Tonight" video :blush

  2. But when they're not coming to St. Louis I get an excuse to travel and have experiences that go beyond the concert. Perhaps some of the local fans should give that a shot.

    I feel this way too. I live in Dallas now, but when Wilco doesn't come through DFW it just gives me an excuse to spend a day or two in Austin, San Antonio, or Houston. Hell, my good friend from STL will usually fly down and go to the Texas shows with me. Sure it can be kind of a pain, but there are upsides.

  3. I've seen this 3 times this week here in Dallas. That should tell you my opinion of the movie. The Coen's truely are a cut above all other American filmmakers. Fargo is probably my favorite of theirs and this might have surpassed it.


    Having read the book I knew the ending and I can't imagine a better way to end the film, this is definitely a movie that needs to be revisited multiple times.

  4. 250px-Revroad.jpg


    Not sure how I got through being an English major without ever hearing about his book.

    I'm 100 pages in now, reading it for the first time. Such a great book. This guy speaks my language, unfortunately that's kind of depressing :mellow

  5. I really don't understand why you can't download TV shows. Network TV is free over-the-air. It can be DVRed. A lot of the network websites allow users to watch the previous week's episode(s). So why is it illegal to download the shows? Music and movies I understand, but TV?

    I don't really understand it either, but it all comes back to DVD sales.

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