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Everything posted by jono11
Yase, yase, the recording is excellent. My review: http://www.bethelks.edu/collegian/archives/002435.php#002435 A couple of caveats: first, the review was originally about twice this size, plus one of Clay's photos. However, on production night, I discovered that I didn't have room in the Entertainment section for all of the articles that were slated to appear in my section, and I would have to drop two if I didn't drastically cut some other stuff. As it was, with a massively reduced review sans photography, I still had to drop one article. Anyway, point is, the review loses a lot of it
Cool to hear it. For anyone who still cares, my review will be published on Thursday, so I'll make it available then.
1. The Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival, here in Kansas, which is the home of the National and International Guitar Championships, and has one of the richest traditions of any music festival, is also one of the most booze-and-pot-soaked events I have ever witnessed. The crowds are not predominantly old. 2. "Modern classical" seems like a contradiction. I'd call that neoclassical, also something of a contradiction, but at least it clearly separates the genre. Classical music needs to have occurred in a period that satisfies the basic requirement of "not in the recent past." 3. Yes, there is
1. Forgive the expression "blue collar." As the language evolves, "blue collar" has come to mean "lower classes." 2. Rock music was for the working classes. Classical was specifically a means of separating rich people from poor.
It's unhealthy because it's not about progress. It's about changing things for the sake of change. I didn't say any fixation was good. Progress, and references to the past, should be organic, because they make sense, not just because it's trendy. Why, you're right. I will never again say anything is good or bad again. Because that's too judgmental. Nobody can have an opinion. I'm gonna hold you to that, too, OK, buddy?
To me, this is a classic example of the rock community's unhealthy fixation on progress. It only proves my point about vitality, but it's also unfortunate. Why must something be COMPLETELY different from what came before? That's just change for its own sake, not progress. All music comes from what came before, in the end, so why not just label everything as derivative! How is Wilco "different"? Did Wilco REALLY make you say, "wow, what the hell was that?" If they did, I have to imagine that you never listened to music before. What makes Wilco great is that they do well-worn ideas extr
1. That's one theory. But remember, the whole reason Dylan was going electric was because it was what the masses wanted from a popular musician. The 1980s-era Dylan should dispel any illusions that this was a man who stuck by his musical principles. He's made great music, sure, but he made what the majority of people wanted to hear. If that gesture was him saying "fuck off" to the masses, then Metallica's St. Anger was too.2. This discussion is about to turn to a dry history debate, and if you really want to carry it on, let's do it privately. I love history, personally, being a history m
1. The phrase "irony is lost on this guy" means nothing if you don't detail the irony. 2. Haven't been to too many bluegrass festivals, have you? Loud, drunken debauchery is the rule at such places. 3. If I offended the sensibilities of your generation, I apologize. I should make it clear that my parents are aging hippies as well. The distinction I draw between them and most other members of their generation is that they were effective--leaders of Cesar Chavez's legal team during the farmworkers' union movement, presiding over many hard-won victories. 4. Classical music is always looking ba
1. Rock music, more than most forms, is defined by the listener. What is popular is played. Unfortunately, the rock community has forgotten how to use that quality to its advantage, rather than its detriment.2. Yes, it's true in America, and it's our art form. We ripped it off from black people before the English did. 3. The guy proposes that we all go to classical shows because of a few people talking too loudly at rock shows. It's elitism, and it pisses me off that people will run to a dead art form, an art form with a history of classism, to escape the very minor vagaries of the greates
The assumptions continue to abound... I don't own a vintage retro-whatever it is. I have no PBR merchandise--I drink beer, I don't wear it. I do prefer the original BBC version of the Office, because it's better, but through a strange twist of the way things are, I only have the American version on DVD at the moment. Because it's still pretty good. I don't like hipsters and trendies either, dude. And I've never heard one of them say "underbunnies." Picked that up from one of my geek buddies in a Superman vs. Batman discussion. Immigration rally? Wha...whuh? Like the guy who used
Don't get Mozart? Who said anything about me not liking Mozart? I just know a dead art form when I see it, and I don't bother to go to Mozart performances, except theater. And honestly, his best work is for the theater setting. I love Mozart! Don't presume so much. Must be an inside joke.
Well, I'll be honest with you here, the only time I personally ever shouted "Freebird" was at this little coffee shop venue where everybody at the show knew the guy. But I do laugh when other people shout it. Amen to that. Nothin' like a tasty Guinness after work. And I thought I'd done everything I could to rid myself of the Vile Individual. Wow. Sir, you are incredible.
So don't get mad...get elitist! That's right, folks, despite the fact that rock music is a vital, democratic, blue-collar, working-class, energetic art form, with constantly new and evolving ways of expressing itself, abandon it for a dying, decaying corpse of a bourgeousie musical form: classical! That's right, listen to stuff by guys that are so dead, they make your grandparents look alive and kicking! Listen to the final death rattles of an art form devised specifically by and for the upper class as a way of distinguishing themselves from peasants. Listen to the expiratory throes of a f
Incredibly, some people enjoy being drunk.
It's not going to stop until venues stop serving alcohol at shows, and get rid of all seating. Simple as that. Alcohol loosens tongues, and seats encourage complacent pseudo-enjoyment of a set. When forced to stand, one is forced to acknowledge the music without the ability to lean back and have a conversation with some dumb schmuck. Without alcohol...well, it's obvious that people are loud when they're drunk. No need to be drunk at a show. You're supposed to be there because you enjoy the music while sober. You shouldn't need to be drunk to like it. If you need that, you probably wast
In the interest of solidarity, I will also be a son-of-a-bitch.
Hey me boyo! We didn't meet up because I was too dumb to remember to ask if you were going. Also, I was back in the tables up through Misunderstood because I had to review the thing. When I went to the floor, I made my way up to about the middle of the crowd, in roughly the center. Boy, that was a great spot when they hit the loud part in Misunderstood. I can only liken it to this one ride at Six Flags, a logjam type ride, but after you're done you get to stand on the bridge overlooking the drop and you get slammed with a fifty-foot-high wall of water when the logs hit. That's sort of wh
Bethel College Collegian. I'll post a link when it goes online. Fuck it, I'll just post it up here.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4502847 Anybody grab NPR's Wilco podcast while it was available? I didn't know about it so I didn't.
Ben Folds does Bohemian Rhapsody sometimes, when people yell out for him to play Rock This Bitch.
Look around, next show you're at. You still get wierd looks every time you do it.
Freebird isn't just an old joke that's overdone. It's an inside joke for people who go to enough shows, of any artist, to know that it always gets requested.
Good shots. I'm writing a review of the show for my college paper--do you mind if I use one or two of the shots? Have I told you lately that I love you?
That's pretty exact...does that imply that you...maybe...have a recording? I know I sound like a terrible newbie who only joins to get that recording...but I just really really really really really want to be able to relive Sunday night. That was maybe the greatest rock 'n' roll experience I've ever had.
Sooooo...yeah, that was a good show. I had to spend most of my time back in the tables because I was reviewing the show for my college's paper (BC represent!) but I made it down to the floor for Misunderstood and the encores. Misunderstood live, I've decided, may be the single greatest experience in rock 'n' roll ever anywhere at all. Anyway, if anyone finds out if that show's up somewhere, I am interested in the extreme. I was going to tape it myself, but I forgot to bring a minidisc recorder.