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Status Updates posted by yermom

  1. came singing songs of love.

  2. Steve McQueen good times is "The Towering Inferno." Any other recommendation is all lies!

  3. Glad you liked the thinkgeek site! All geeks are "cool geeks" in my book! :)

  4. That Dalek cake is one seriously superior cake-being. Droooool. :)

  5. I think you kick ass.

  6. I came here to five you (hehe) but it'll only let me do four. Hmmmmm...

  7. Also a good balm to soothe the burning caused by watching Expelled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ThQQuHtzHM

  8. Awesome! I've wanted stars forever! Thanks! :)

  9. Nah, no ticket...but I'll live. This broadcast tonight has been nearly as awesome as a show. Whatta band!

  10. That's a bitchin' Halloween avatar you've got there! A+!

  11. Your avatar and my avatar should get together for a play date! They can discuss the finer pints of Sky Blue Sky over graham crackers and juice!


  12. The bunny avatar is the best thing ever!

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