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Posts posted by Madcap

  1. 23 minutes ago, worldrecordplayer said:

    I'm confused about that. I will definitely want some physical version of the album. I don't want to have to pay twice. There should be some sort of credit if you purchase the pre-sale digital download but there is nothing to that effect on the website

    That's exactly the kind of thing I'm thinking about that would be nice.  I don't care if I have to wait for a while for the vinyl, but at least let me pre-order it off bandcamp or something so I get the download.

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  2. One of the best Wilco shows I’ve seen in ages.  YHF was such a formative album for me that I listened to so much back in the day it’s kind of easy to take for granted how damn good it is since I don’t listen to it that much anymore, but when I listen to it (or see it performed live) I’m quickly reminded that it is an absolutely incredible album.  I hope that if they end up releasing a recording of these shows that they include the encore too because holy hell that was amazing too.  The best versions of Pieholden and The Good Part I’ve ever heard (small sample size admittedly).  I also can’t say enough about the horns and the strings, which added so much to the songs throughout.  Just incredible.  Can’t wait to see it again on Sunday!

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  3. This is all so depressing.  We've been so good and so careful and all of these unvaxxed morons are still screwing things up!  We're still planning on going if it happens (which I think is a coin flip at best), but there's basically no way that the music isn't going to be affected.  Somebody in some band is going to test positive and they'll either have to alter their lineup or drop out completely, which sucks because the lineup is really damn good!

  4. Short of Jeff getting sick, I don’t see any way that it gets postponed.  We’re still planning on going, but at this point offering refunds to those who want it seems fair.  It does make me wonder why more people didn’t buy the cancel for any reason insurance though.  Even though things were looking better at the time, we were still in the middle of a pandemic. 

  5. Looks like the Fillmore shows now too.  As someone going to Sky Blue Sky, I’m selfishly very happy that they’re not risking covid so close to that. Hopefully some of the other artists that are currently scheduled to tour in the lead up follow suit.

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  6. We're still going and planning on masking pretty much everywhere but the beach.  The thought of getting stuck is very worrisome, but I think we'll be alright if we play it extremely safe (although I will no doubt be losing my mind when we take our exit test).  I'm frankly more worried about the bands that are touring right up until the festival having to back out due to Covid than anything.

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