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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. and for those asking about the neighborhood... it's in uptown, which as of a few years ago, was, i believe, the safest neighborhood in the city... lowest crime rate. a lot homeless people, but safe. but that was like 5 years ago that i heard all of that.


    I wouldnt say the safest neighborhood in the city. Its not really scary or dangerous, but if I was a girl, I wouldnt be wandering the streets at night alone unless you really had to. There still are lots of homeless people and a sketchy feeling. A bunch of new bars opened up of late near Riv so Uptown is shaping up.

  2. Also, there are two presale chances to get the 5-night package. So hopefully they won't be too hard to get.


    How amazing would it be if they did all their recorded material? I would probably fall over.


    If you are buying the 5-night package, I think you wont have any problem with tickets. I dont expect most people to go all 5 nights. I wish I had the time to do it. Its a time issue for me.

  3. I'm not being a naysayer, but that includes every b-side, cover, song on a compilation there is. I'd love for them to play "Student Loan Stereo", but do you really think they'll do "Let Me Come Home" or "Diamond Claw"?


    I doubt they will do every b-side, but every album song and that includes Mermaid Avenues I bet and whatever b-side they feel.


    That sucks. Maybe some(me!) will be able to catch a break.


    Saturday night will be the hardest to get. Which is the one I want to go to.

  4. I like how it says "Winter Residency 2008," does this mean it is an annual thing?


    I take Residency as in doing shows for extended stay, not meaning yearly. Could very well be a trend though if they like it. The noticed Smashing Pumpkins doing residencies and thought it was a good idea. They may even do residencies in many diff areas if they like it.

  5. I started drinking coffee when I was 3, with milk and sugar (I'd beg sips off my parents and they would give me 'coffee' that was essentially 6 oz. warm milk with enough coffee until it was brown). As I grew, the ratios swapped, and I started drinking it black when I was 10. Every day at 13. Current level of consumption has held strong for 5 years.


    Like I said, this is the first time in a decade/plus that there's no other chemicals but caffeine in my blood system. So maybe the last of the renegades are working their way out of my body and I *am* sensitive to caffeine after all and never knew it. Or it's a winter thing. Ha!


    So what chemicals did you have in your body besides caffeine? Maybe the chemicals your body was used to for the last 10 years that you now dont have is making you feel that way. If it was a winter thing, wouldnt it happen every winter?


    I do think you drink more coffee than anyone I ever heard of for as long as you did. I believe caffeine is chemically addictive and not good for you at those doses, so I would be careful. Take care of your body, your health is directly connected to your moods.


    I drink one to a few cups of tea a day, mostly green. Drink coffee very rarely, but I do like mine black when I do.

  6. Because this comes up a lot and people want to hear about the past shows (and then they're sorry when they actually see the threads and they're all just gushy :P) and because I'm bored at work today and don't really feel like doing any actual work, here are the threads from the previous shows:


    Thanks for the time.

  7. the first year (2005) wasn't recorded. The 2nd (2006) was, which is the show you have. This year's show(2007), was recorded, but the only person who has a copy, is the guy who recorded it. :realmad


    Why he no share? :dontgetit

  8. :brow If you've got a copy of the show I was at last year, can I get a B&P? :lol


    I've been in a group for the past three years, although at the last minute, I wasn't able to attend the second year. Our shows have been at "Hotel S'n'S", which is the home of two VCers who very graciously host us every year. The deal in previous years has pretty much been that people get there early with a ton of delicious food (it's by far the best pot luck I get to attend in any given year), and we hang around and eat and drink and listen to some of the members of our group sing and play (we get amazing opening acts!). Then when Jeff and Susan arrive, they sample some of the food and chat for a while, then come downstairs and start the show. The show goes on for a few hours, Jeff talks a lot, and at the end the folks who played for us earlier get a chance to perform along with him. Then they hang around for a bit after, sign posters, take pictures, etc., and then after they leave we get more performances from our group members, we eat and drink a lot more, and we all go to sleep that night with big smiles on our faces.


    If you look at the threads from last year's shows, believe me, no one's holding anything back! What you'll read in those threads is a pretty complete description of what goes on. It's possible someone's planning something different for this year, but I think the formula we've used in the past is pretty much perfect (for us, anyway).



    Well I got my copy from here. Tweedy's 4/8/06 Living Room Show (SBD/Aud Matrix) Its from owl and bear where I got also got the other 3. Is that good enough?


    I thought last year was the first year, so this is the 4th year? Sounds like a incredible time, how did you get to be a part of that?

  9. I couldn't care less that people equate BOS to NYY. Or that people are sick of hearing about them.



    I spent the majority of my life rooting for a BOS team that fell short year after year after year. It's about time the worm has turned and I'm happy to be in the situation we're in. I like having "my" team be consistently competitive.


    The comparisons are valid and who cares?


    Yeah, thats how it is. I would feel the same if it was my loser team.

  10. Maybe cause you are a Red Sox fan? Are you in Boston area? Only the fans can overlook such evil doings.


    I know I wouldnt mind if the Cubs won WS then afterwards go out and get the posibly best pitcher in baseball for the last few years. Let the winning domination continue as long as its my team.

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