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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. sitting is also for people with bad backs that can't handle the lengthy standing...


    Like I said, old people.


    I'm Joking, I do appreciate seats. Nice to be able to rest a bit here and there when you feel like it.

  2. and about people complaining about stand up concerts. Does anybody even sit when wilco is playing anyway?


    Sitting is for old people. I think seats are good for having a set place where you are assigned like having front row or up close seats. So you know you can come later and use the washroom and still come back to a nice view. I do like the GA method too, enjoyed many of concerts getting to the front whenever I felt the need to push my way up there from the back.

  3. That's a good example. I'm a season-ticket holder to the Cubs. There are games that I can't go to and, admittedly, I've sold tickets above face value. Does that make me a scalper? By the technical term, yes it does. But I also know that I didn't buy the tickets for the express purpose of re-selling them and making a dollar. Why didn't I just sell them at face value? Well, I found out a lot of times that the people to whom I sold them (off of Craig's list) themselves turned around and sold them for higher than face. So really, there was no difference.


    That does not makes you a scalper. Scalpers are people who buy tickets with the sole intention of selling them at higher prices.

  4. In the case of the Bears, there are just not that many non-season tickets available (only a few thousand of the 61,000 seats), and single game tickets go on sale well before the season starts. So, yes, if you wait until the season starts to try to buy tickets for any game, brokers are really your only option. Can't really blame the scalpers on this one. It's just the nature of the NFL, where most tickets are season-tickets. Also, this isn't any different than in years past. The face value of the tickets has risen dramtically, hence the higher prices from brokers. The supply/demand dynamic has not changed much.


    The Cubs aren't much different. It's really not hard to get Cubs tickets if you are willing to buy them when they go on sale.


    My point is you really can't compare this situation to that of the Cubs/Bears.


    I try for my Bears/Cubs tickets at the say of first date of sale. I used to be able to get tickets fairly easily like 3 years ago. For Bears, Im not searching for anything special, any ticket will do, just get me in. Now, home games sellout without even a chance. Also, Cubs bleacher tickets to weekends sellout like nothing else. I used to have a little trouble before but always got in. No more. Not even close.


    This totally reminded me of the cubs and bears.

  5. Chris, I understand your point and I dont expect guranteed tickets, just angers me when I see all those tickets on those scalpers online. I really believe that scalpers make a significant difference in my opportunity. You will see more tickets on sale after they are mailed out. I do think that these shows would have definitely sold out fast, but not as fast as it did. Its not the end of the world to me, cause I am happy to be going to the Tweedy benefit show, which actually is more to my interest at this point. I dont mind the venue or blame the band, just the rules of this whole ticket system.


    Alot of my anger really stems from my experience with the Cubs and Bears. I used to have no problems a few years back getting my Cubs and Bears tickets every year. As of late I cant go unless I pay HIGH prices, especially to Bears, because of these scalpers. WTF, I know there is high demand, but I know when there is something else in play.


    Just expressing my anger about scalpers in general. They have now infiltrated my Wilco. Die all Scalpers!!!! Scalpers are artificially creating higher prices by shorting the supply. If people pay $100 to see a band, shouldnt the money go to the band.

  6. And if people think that if it "wasn't for the scalpers, [they] would have gotten tickets," they're being naive.


    I think you're wrong. Wilco isnt that big. Normal demand wouldnt have sold out that quickly.


    The scalpers diminish the supply screwing with the natural supply/demand. I really think without scalpers, I could get the tickets I want, not only for Wilco but other events.


    So we disagree.

  7. I just don't think a Will Call-only system is the best manner to get around the scalper issue, regardless of a single show or a series of shows at one venue.


    Its just one option that I feel is better than current. It has its disadvantages because of last minute change of plans, but its advantages outweigh that.

  8. I believe he is emailing or messaging people on stubhub/ebay (they might have an email listed so people can ask them questions) and saying rude things to them.


    I am targeting craiglisters and its more than just saying rude things. A little run around is fun but ending with some name calling. Im not gonna change anything but its a little fun for me. Those bastards!!! They stole my tix!!! hehehehe

  9. I dont mind The Riv at all. Standing room with GA, cool with me.


    However, I am disappointed in not getting tickets and seeing tons of tickets all over for double the price. My revenge is too annoy anyone who is doing that. Try to make it undesirable for people to try to scalp again and I will annoy a few at the least.

  10. Willcall only sales with ID would immediately end ticketbrokers and scalping. It is a simple solution but never happens. Sure, for a Springsteen or U2 type of show, the logistics of ticket pick up would be nightmarish but to use the old saying, if we can put a man on the moon, we can figure out distibution for tens of thousands of tickets. There is NO excuse for will call only sales not happening for Wilco-level bands.



    I agree with you guys on this. This would mean extra work at Will Call on the day of concert, but well worth it.


    I do feel like Wilco will eventually do this or something about the situation. Mostly because I always felt Wilco as a band that cared about the fans. It really wasnt until this year that Wilco tickets were hard to get. Had no problems pre-2007.


    For now, DONT BUY OVER FACE.

  11. So I should be checking ebay for Philly tickets, huh? :(


    For everyone who didnt get tickets, I would sugguest waiting till closer to the show than pay scalper prices. Usually prices go down along with opportunities that a real Wilco who bought tickets cant make it and sell them at face value. Keep an eye out here in Via Chicago, I have gotten tix here at face value for sell out shows days before the concert. Gotta make the scalpers sell for at little profit as much as possible at the least. Dont pay their high prices.

  12. To date, most if not all superhero comic book adaptations have left me feeling pretty cold at best. The issue for me, I think, is the use of real actors in place of traditional hand-drawn or cg animation.


    A live actor in a superhero suit pretty much kills it for me. I grew up on the X-Men, I loved the X-Men, and as cool as Magneto or Wolverine may be on the page, they both look sort of ridiculous when played by real actors. If any movie genre is crying out for traditional animation it is the comic book adaptation. So why, oh why must we get The Thing in the form of a poorly constructed Halloween costume? Lou Ferrigno as The Hulk for instance, in the comics, The Hulk is strong and powerful beyond all measure, yet, as strong as he is, Lou Ferrigno strained a bit too much and a bit too often when tossing some po

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