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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. In researching $ci since my wife's cousin joined (yeah, I know, I sound like Cruise - "do the research") I've found that not only have people died in their facility in Clearwater, FL due to lack of medical attention (they try to treat nearly everything with vitamins), but the contract you sign when you go there for classes and training pretty much absolves them of any responsibility. If you are there and decide you don't want to do it anymore, or voice concerns about the goings on around you, they can essentially hold you in solitary confinement until you see the error of your ways. Public humiliation is also a tactic to get people to be essentially shamed into sticking around.


    Why try so hard to keep people around? Because each member is worth about $200,000 in fees to the church. Is good done in the name of scamming their money actually good? Sure, churches and televangelists accept donations, but that isn't (in all but the most extreme cases) extortion or fraud.


    Sounds like a cult. I think the principles are good, but people turned it into a cult. I just wonder if there are any uncultlike followings in scientology.

  2. Do you have any idea what you're talking about or are you just guessing?


    That story is so stupid, it cant be true. I may believe some misguided person may have said something like that but in no way is that what is being taught in the religion. Every religion has its way out there fanatics, you shouldnt confuse that as the religion.


    The teachings comes from a sci-fi writer so a fanactic probably got all messed up and said something like this is what I figure.

  3. What could possibly be wrong with all of this? Well, when you do get to the top of the ladder you will then be told that the origin of all this is that 75 billion years ago (the earth is only about 2 or 3 billion years old, but whatever) the evil alien Xenu came to earth and enslaved all the inhabitants of the planet. He then tied them up around a volcano (now we know why there's a volcano on the Dianetics cover) and blew it up with a hydrogen bomb. The souls, called Thetans, of these victims have clung here to earth all this time and are the source of all our problems.




    You'd have to take quite a while of being softened up by the auditing and classes and such to buy this story, which coincidentally was "stumbled upon" by someone who wrote really bad sci-fi stories for a living before starting his own religion.


    This is just probably someone making something up to deter people from the religion. Completely BS.

  4. Scientology comes off weird but what bad has it done? It seems to be in line with any other religion promoting goodness and well being.


    That video is pretty bad though, probably can only be understood by a long time scientologist.

  5. blu ray just feels like a fraud to me, i don't know why, but my gut tells me to wait even longer



    It's too late for me, just bought a Playstation 3. 40GB version for $300. Nice price.

    Spiderman 3 looks crisp. Also upconverts regular DVDs. The games look so nice also. Pretty happy with my purchase.


    I was a HD-DVD fan all along, but really felt the Warner news was huge so I defected also. HD-DVD, I think should have won because of price and technology but seems like Bluray made the right moves. Now that I picked a side, I really hope Blu-ray doesnt screw up in the ending parts of this battle.

  6. True that a lot of guys could have had 100+ receptions in the Pat's scheme but Welker is a YAC machine, the guy had over 1100 yards this year (with 8 TD's). He also adds value as a fairly decent (not spectacular) punt returner. I think it was worth a second and a seventh round pick for him...also I may be wrong but wasn't Sammy Morris a part of that deal as well? Before he got hurt he was giving the Pats some solid running.


    I agree after seeing Welker throughout the season, he has alot of talent and is a great player. Well worth it and important part of the offense. His stats dont say it all.

  7. Gene Simmons is the shit! My wife and I watched it last night and I didn't fall asleep. (If that says anything) :hmm


    I just saw the first episode. It was interesting and Gene Simmons is the SHIT! Fun to how powerful these people can be.

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