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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I think the point would be symbolic, to make a statement, send a message.


    It could be argued that by continuing to vote for what amount to corporate candidates and in many ways, against your interests, you are granting your permission, your desire for more of the same....


    By not voting, you are also sending a message that you dont care about anything. It is not clear and doesnt solve anything. Sorry, but poor choice in making a statement. Instead of complaining about what you dont like, why dont you try to do something you do like.

  2. Really, though, the correct thing to do here is to crimp the hose and head to the shower.


    You should not stop the flow in mid-stream, some of the pee gets backed up into your system and your skin changes color into yellowish hue.

  3. Well, its also apparently impossible for everyone single citizen to vote, so why not go the the other way and see what happens? We all can agree that something needs to change, and many people feel the way I do, so why not flip the bird to all the people many of us agree don't deserve a frigging ounce of our attention?


    Because regardless of how many votes there actually is cast, there still will be a winner. What will come of a low voting turn out? Nothing. The deliver of your message doesnt make work for me. What do you want to happen if there is no attention to our government? Anarchy?

  4. DON'T VOTE!


    I have a wild idea: if no one votes, what happens? Let's find out.


    There ain't shit worth voting for anyway. Yes, I am a jaded youngster (24). The fact is that among the douche bags we have to choose from in the major parties, they have nothing new to say or offer. If they say anything radical or progressive, they either are lying or pandering for votes. Sure, Obama may say some high-falluting shit now, wait until he's under the gun in the Oval Office, and it will all spiral into the usual crap we've been dealing with for so long.


    So don't vote. Please join me in my quest to expose the fraud that our political system is.


    This is impossible and doesnt make sense.

  5. WASHINGTON (Reuters)- Former President Bill Clinton said he might have gone too far in attacking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton said on Friday, adding that both Democratic presidential campaigns should focus on issues. "So we're all going to, on both sides I think, you know, try to bring this debate and this campaign back to the issues that are important," said the New York senator, who would be the first woman U.S. president.


    How about our environment?




    check this out:



  6. But you sit on a toilet seat with pee spackle on it or around it that's been collecting germs since the last time you cleaned it.


    Besides, just...c'mon man, join the club....



    Sorry, I cant join the club. It's not that I am a super clean freak or afraid of germs. I am a camper and easily can be dirty without care. I have a dog and have had puke, pee, and poop on my carpet, whatever. I use public toilets and port a pooties.


    I just think I dont need to pee in my home shower cause why expose the shower to that when I dont have to. If public shower, I would pee without care.


    Sterile isn't clean enough for you?


    You cant agrue that pee is clean. Who would want pee on them?

  7. See I don't get this. Assuming you take a warm/hot (and even cold) shower the water rinses any pee spackle down the drain. Isn't this even better than stray spackle on/around the toilet bowl that sits around until you take a brush and some Comet to clean it up?


    Plus it's piss, people. It's not cyanide.


    I dont shower in the toilet though. The toilet is dirty and made for dirty things. I dont want to make my shower into a urinal.


    Sorry I just dont like to pee in my shower. Pee is not clean, keep it in the toilet.

  8. I have done it before to say I did it, but dont do it cause I feel it is not a clean thing to do. Why have pee in your shower/bath when you dont have to?

    No matter how hard you aim to get straight into the drain, its gonna be splashed around especially when shower is coming down on you.

  9. I've also seen the phrase "working couple" thrown around. Is that a distinction from single-income couples? I'm not sure. Anyway, it hasn't passed the Senate yet and they want to tack of some stuff (though they don't want to take anything out, so far as I know).


    There is a distinction because it is a $300 check for any non income tax paying person as opposed to $600. Everyone will get money, not just the ones working.


    So if you are a couple with one working person, you still get $600 a person. It's a tax thing because you support two adults, you get treated as two income tax paying people.

  10. but it says "who will win." I'll vote but...you know what I mean.


    I understand.

    Tough situation when you are a fan of a team but think they will lose. Just got to believe. I thought the Giants would lose there first playoff game but they kept winning. They can win this, believe it.

  11. I would vote if the poll was "who do you want to win?"


    no offense intended btw. :)


    That is what the poll is asking. It is a question of who you want to win, so go vote Giants and support your team. They do have a chance, they almost beat them on the last game of the season. no offense taken.

  12. valentine's day is pretty silly. anything more than just dinner and romance (flowers, cards, little candy hearts, blah blah blah) is just absurd. hopefully your other will agree. i'm quite happy that my girlfriend would rather i spend money on the food and alcohol she's going to consume than on some dumbass stuffed animal she'll throw in her closet.


    Same here, I agree. Just whatever I feel like doing, maybe nothing. Valentine's day is a joke of a day.


    but seriously, i think my biggest issue with valentine's day has always been that the day is supposed to be out you and your significant other celebrating your like/love for one another, and yet we always have to act/dress completely different than we do the other 364 days of the year. which is absurd.


    Everyday is Valentine's day for me.

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