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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. You're welcome. It might take me a day or two, because I shot everything in high def, and downconverting them for YouTube is a little time consuming.


    Here's Family Gardener for the time being:



    No prob, take your time. Wow hi-def. Im sure JHamm would like to get a hold of this stuff. This clips are nice.


    Can you at least give us the songs you recorded. I hope you got Mountainbed.

  2. Someone told me that the recent Sesame Street dvd release has a parental advisory sticker of some sort on it - is that true?


    Its true. I heard the same thing. They think the early Sesame streets which I grew up on is now unsuitable for kids in today's standards.


    For example, they dont like cookie monster. They thought he was too agressive and addictive. Isnt that what made him funny? This is the same reason alot of the cartoons I grew up watching is critized now like Woody Woodpecker and Tom and Jerry. I think its all stupid and people are being wasy too over bearing.

  3. As a Giant fan, I will say WHO GIVES A SHIT? Tiki was overrated as it is, and was a cancer in the locker room. GOOD RIDDANCE!!


    So I guess Tiki isnt really a fan favorite in NY. Just wondering. What about Strahan, you happy that he gets to see the Superbowl? It was kinda sketchy how he started so late this year.

  4. The guy who said that felt like a total ass afterwards. It seemed like such an obvious joke and that Jeff had somehow missed it. After I blurted it out, he said he had even written it on the set list. I felt really bad about stepping on his line. :frusty Idiot.


    Are you saying that you were the one that said that? You know I was thinking that exact thing as I'm sure most people were. I still laughed at it.

  5. I am proud of myself. I just got 120 stars with Mario this past weekend. It was really tough at the end. Now Luigi's turn.


    I hear if you get 120 with Luigi and beat Bowser again, there is a new world to get that 121st star. Did anyone get that far?

  6. It was an awesome show, so glad I went. Very satisfied. A decent line formed before the doors opened. Got there early and got great seats. I hope this happens every year. I really enjoyed the comfort and atmosphere of the concert. The last Jeff Tweedy show I went to was so crowded stuffy and smoky, hard to even get a decent view. I would pay extra for these types of concerts.


    Great setlist. Remember the Mountainbed was my favorite. Was suprised to hear him do Just a Kid.


    The Jay Farrar story was awesome, cant believe the luck of the guy in between. "All you need is a shot in the ass."

  7. I think a war presented on the basis of economic well-being would have gotten plenty of support. Just bring up the specter of a gallon of gas costing more than $3 and ... oops.


    Umm.... I think you need to rethink the value of a human life.

  8. I think what he is saying is that he at least wishes the government were honest in their intention, however twisted they might be......not that oil is worth a war/death/etc


    America would have never backed a war based on oil prices. It had to be about terrorism, in that scenario, we are being self-defending. The only viable excuse for war is self defense.

  9. 1. You know, if Bush had just been honest and said to the American people, "This war is about secure access to oil in a world where we'll be competing with China and India for this resource," I might have been behind it more. I would still be pissed about $3-plus a gallon gas. Is that why we spent all this money and blood? Man, Bush sucks. He can't even get self-serving conquest right.


    So its okay to kill people to get oil at a cheaper price?

  10. I feel like an ass for saying this, as my own personal ass will never be there, but I don't think we can leave Iraq in the short or medium term. We broke it, we bought it. If we have to nursemaid whatever preemie-baby-type democracy may or may not be there for the next 50 years, this nation is honor-bound to do it, at least until we have enough new nuclear power plants built for all the electric cars we'll have to drive.



    So what if we cant fix it, do we just stay there forever losing american lives and wasting money? Yeah we started it, but maybe we are not the people to finish it. There has to be a point where we have to give up and leave. I say start bring back the troops.

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