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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Sorry Bobbob but is has to be pointed out and pounded home every day just how badly the republicans have failed on nearly all levels during the Bush admnistration. From Iraq to that taxpayer hosing prescription drug bill to all the corruption that blossomed and flourished. That should be included in every democrat stump speach. They should point it out , point out that it calls for major change and then tell how they are going to deliver that change. It's campaign time, get used to it.


    Besides republicans never tire of their standards do they? You know them by heart now...Teddy Kennedy the murderer, Bill Clinton the womanizer, Obama the radical muslim in hiding (along with prominently using his middle name and rhyming his first name with Osama). Hillary's an ambitious ice queen, the liberal press, the liberal hollywood elitists, Thhey hate the troops, they hate America, they blame America first, activist judges (except when they are our activist judges), tree huggers, they want to kill business, and so many more... and of course the grand daddy of them all "But Clinton..." It's all part of campaigning and politics, and in the case of republican incompetance it is so very scarily true.


    Face it, now is the time for a major change and the reason for a major change is because of the performance of one political party. Get used to it.


    Maybe we can lump you in with RemeberDBoon type. Old-fashioned thinking.

  2. The whole "OMG TEH REPUBLICANZ ARE THE WORSTEST!!" crap. We get it. But guess what, people are allowed to have opinions and shouldn't have to deal with an underinformed moron shouting at them on the internet.


    I think RememberDBoon is a repressed closet Republican.

  3. Samsung BD-UP5500


    I actually due most of my watching on my computer - as all I really own are music related dvds, and I like to crank it.


    I suppose blu-ray discs will not play in my Dell.


    That is expensive because it is a Combo unit playing both Bluray and HD-DVD. Once HD-DVD gets eliminated and people start buying Bluray, all prices will drop.


    You need a bluray player for the computer which is probably also expensive at this point. The storage capacity will be so nice once this becomes more mainstream and defined. I think they are still working on standards for Bluray.

  4. I dont know if it was posted here but saw the latest Batman trailer at the previews for 'I am Legend' and it was a huge cut from the movie about the Joker bank robbery. The movie looks so excellent.


    Dont know if this counts as a comic book adaptation but did you guys like 'Unbreakable'? I thought it was cool. Back when M. Night was good.

  5. No, but I think it's possible he's convinced himself he's innocent. I'll admit I haven't read the entire Mitchell report concerning him, but it appears there's a pretty solid case made that he injected/had someone inject PHDs. He and his attorney seem to be playing games with semantics.


    If you have to convince yourself you are innocent, doesnt that mean you are guilty and lying to yourself. If you are innocent, there is no convincing needed.


    I really am losing all respect for Clemens at this point. It didnt matter much to me he did steriods, but to deny allegations and fabricate this stupid/ignorant plea is just embarrassing and low. Cmon face the consequences like a man like everyone else is.


    Why would a trainer inject a player with steriods without player consent and lie about what the shot was. For what benefit to the trainer? I dont see the logic in that.

  6. yeah i am very jittery about this stuff at the moment, could be in for a real bumpy ride this year as far as the economy goes. the market is making needed adjustments, i'm just hoping it doesn't become a panic type of situation though.


    I dont think it will get too bad but alot more is coming. I think it maybe similar to what we saw with the tech bubble bursting.

  7. Yeah but the thing that baffles me is that feelings don't negotiate peace in the middle east. Connections, relationships, respect, hard work, experience do. What if we elect Obama because he makes us feel good and it turns out it takes him 2 years to get his bearings? Or it turns out that speeches notwithstanding he's not very good at foreign policy?


    I am not saying these are inevitables. He could be great. He could hit the ground running and be the best president any of could hope for. But without any existing evidence to back it up, why are so many people so willing to throw the dice, at such a precarious time in our nation's history? Like I said, let's assume for the moment that on an issues-based level, that there's not that big of a difference between Hillary and Obama.


    Not looking to spur on an 8 page debate on this -- just find the whole thing interesting.


    We get these feelings for a reason. Feelings that he will get the job done. We need to trust them. We need change and he gives us the best hope for change. It takes risk, I am aware of it and for it. I guess it comes down to what type of person you are.


    If you wanna play it safe, then Hillary is your person. She is safe, dependable, and predictable. She will not bring the change Obama would bring.

  8. I have found mountains of titles at Netflix that Blockbuster Online doesn't stock. For someone interested in the entirety of cinema, there's a big difference between the two services.


    Yeah that is true. I have used both services. Netflix has alot bigger selection, but Blockbuster growing fast. Good to have the competition for low prices. I am with Netflix at the moment.

  9. Not presenting my opinions as fact because they obviously aren't. I am just surprised at all the people that write off Hillary because she is cold or because she doesnt make people feel good when she speaks. Or because she is "experienced" and thus tainted. Oh well.


    Alot has to do with feelings you get from a canidate. You cant deny what your body tells you. I'm sure Hillary will do an OK job, but I see big things happening with Obama. He brings a higher level of thinking IMO. I think you also have to look at the inexperience of Obama as being something good too.

  10. Who is Barack Obama?


    I cant believe how unbelievably dumb and retarted that was. If that was serious on your part, you have proven yourself as what you are.


    Anyways, he is part of your party system. Thats your man. :)

  11. I dont work on The Hill but most all of my friends do in some capacity and I go to functions etc......alot. Again I think my party's record speaks for itself but its easy to take the cynical route. Nothing would ever get done. I think the difference between us is that I dont believe Washington or The US is broken nor do I believe most politicians and folks in Washington (on both sides of the aisle) are corrupt. Most folks there are great people fulfilling their lifes dream of public service. I just happen to think that a Democrat is preferable in every way. I could be wrong of course.


    It is broken and corrupt, but I love it still.

  12. well considering that there are 50 million or more "Republicans" hell bent on running this country the idea of collective action within a party appeals to me and seems absolutely neccessary for any progressive action. Im a proud Democrat and very proud of my party's record.


    People more concerned with their group winning and having control is all BS. Its why politics is looked as shady business. You fall right into the same category you hate and fight.


    Like Bob Dylan said, he is in his own political party consisting of only himself and he is neither left or right, just right in the center.

  13. The only reason things are broken at this point is THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Me thinks things were pretty damn good back in 99. I'll take the country in that state any time. Thanks for playing.


    Things change. There are cycles. Things will go up and down regardless of what party is in office.


    The real problems that need fixing has been building for a long time and moving in one direction.

  14. Well said, Matt.


    Things are, I think, broken to the point at which it will take a tremendous amount of courage, sacrifice, on a scale both large and small, and tremendous political will, from politicians, big business and our fellow citizens before any sort of meaningful, honest change comes about.


    How we go about doing that, well, that is the difficult part. I don

  15. blockbuster has some "exclusive" movies, not that any of those titles are worth it, but for instance, the Death Proof version at Blockbuster has more special features and a kitchen sink, if that type of thing matters to you. Yes they have many of the same titles, but at least Block has some things only available with them, so maybe thats why


    The "exclusive" titles have to be so rare, cant be worth it. But I guess if you watch a ton of movies, having both subs means you are able to get anything out there. Seems like overkill to me, but if you have the money to spare why not.


    Also the news about Warner going Blu-ray feels big. I hope this does it. Just want a secure format we can accept, prices need to come down.

  16. In typical politician fashion I am going to dance around your question and respond with the following: I think that experience is key. I appreciate the breath of fresh air that Obama represents, but our country stands on the precipice of domestic, economic and international disaster. Change for change's sake doesn't seem to me to be our best option. There's no right answer here -- I understand why folks see experience as a fault. Washington is broken and someone from Washington can't fix it. But you know what? That line of thinking seems to assume that someone from outside Washington can fix it. And they can't.


    That means you like Hillary.

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