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Everything posted by Whitty

  1. Totally with you. I know Wilco made the stream available, which changes the context a bit, but I've never understood people clamoring to hear leaked, and often unfinished recordings. It's a long gestation to birth a beautiful, perfectly formed little bundle of rock. Fetuses are weird looking. Let that baby grow!
  2. 2003 was a weird thing for KC- I don't like their chances anytime soon, though. That division is loaded. George Brett and Willie Wilson were awesome.
  3. It ain't that bad... Brian Roberts and Nick Markakis are a couple of recent homegrown successes. I think Mora has a better year, and Gibbons too. The bullpen couldn't possibly stink up the Yard any worse than last season. I'm very excited about the trio of Bedard, Cabrera, and Loewen... Tough times over the last decade in Charm City, for sure, but I see light from the bottom of this chasm.
  4. Rawkin': Preparing for rawkin': Self-portrait in living room mirror:
  5. Big Jooos fan myself. My band's producer does sound for 'em and helped produce Tanglewood Numbers, too. I'm glad David's found a good place and has the confidence to play some live gigs. He was a really appreciative, genuine cat when I got the chance to meet him. "People" is the song I'm digging at the moment.
  6. So was mine. Thank ye. I occasionally knuckle-walk and eat leaves, but gorilla-like dancing is not in my repertoire. That bear mauled Lassie. True story. I lack sartorial skills. You should learn. Just beware of joining a band. It's like having three more significant others to deal with. Standing in knee-deep water on a summer Sunday morning with just the pulse of the reel keeping time and no one else in sight is as close to church as I get. 'Tis a fine enough place. Pretty to look at, a little lacking in culture at times, but the suburbs are creepi
  7. Is it sad that I think 80-82 would be a nice year for my O's? If Bedard can harness that nastiness he had mid-season last year and Daniel Cabrera focuses and finds the strike zone, we might make a little noise. Viva Aubrey Huff!!
  8. Certainly the most intriguing band of the last few years, IMO. Return to Cookie Mountain was my favorite disc of '06. I'll plagiarize myself from my "Best of 2006" blog:
  9. Best lyrical couplet of 2006: "I don't want to desecrate / My only day to sleep in late" Cheeky.
  10. After a little lurking, this place seems to have a similar vibe to the forum I help moderate. So many web forums are like reading the poetry scribbled in the margins of a 14-year old's English notebook. I do kinda feel like I'm cheating on my girlfriend by posting here, though. Now where are your debates about religion and abortion- I'd like to sling around some personal attacks and baseless opinions! I'm also going to start five new threads about Sky Blue Sky, and just say "Who's excited about it?" in the message.
  11. Just sayin' hello to the Wilco kids. I'm Ben. I'm from the scenic Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I know things. I have a band. I play bass. I fish for bass. I root for the Baltimore Orioles for some reason. I'm a mod on another fine message board. Music is my savior. Cheers!
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