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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. If heaven's really comin' back I hope it has a heart attack
  2. He just says that because he knows he can't pick apart the production of their albums.
  3. Is it from the VH1 "Classic Album" series? If so, I've seen it and it is amazing. SD was quite the studio operation.
  4. Has M Squared stripped Michael Bolton of his crown? Me thinks so.
  5. The 1-2 punch of "The Mighty Midshipmen" and "Flashes and Cables" to open that album is awesome.
  6. We're talking "Peg," and no mention of Michael McDonald?
  7. Was a band called Bud They made electric mud
  8. Is this the collaboration with Jason Molina?
  9. My foray into Will Johnson was Fort Recovery. It's an okay album. Next I tried Dual Hawks. Same result. A friend of mine turned me onto Vultures Await. I thought it was pretty good. Then I picked up Love You Just the Same last year and was blown away. I've gone back to some of their other stuff and have gained more of an appreciation - especially for Vultures Await. Will's voice is definitely an acquired taste. He is, however, amazingly talented and prolific. Considering some of the bands you show love for here Rider, I think you should give these guys and/or Will a second chance. I
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