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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. Seems a bit over the top, but it's the truth.
  2. If that's Patterson's dad on bass, he's a pretty damn good.
  3. Yes. The bass is awesome. The guitar rips your gut out too. I like it better than either of Mr. Isbell's.
  4. I agree. Killers and Stars struck me as a second-rate attempt at recreating Nebraska. Murdering Oscar blew me away on 1st listen. Has some rockers, some ballads, and great songwriting. It sounds a lot like a DBT record for the most part. However, it sounds like a top-notch Truckers record. I'm a bit surprised he kept some of this material to himself. Then again, it's been sitting there for a long time. I know the band came close to breaking up right around the time when he wrote and recorded much, if not all, of the material. Either way, it's a damn fine album.
  5. Blows the 2 Jason records out of the water.
  6. Right in the middle too. Great placement. Great song. Great rocker on an otherwise folkie/country album.
  7. Agreed. However, "When the Wheels Don't Move" breaks up the mellow vibe quite nicely.
  8. The slide guitar work on "Jukebox of Steel" is top-notch.
  9. I checked out the samples and will most definitely be downloading this in 3 days when my eMusic downloads refresh. Thanks for the tip/info/etc. NP:
  10. Basically Jay took a bizarre tabloid story and turned it into a great song.
  11. With or without the pirate get-up?
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