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Posts posted by cooperissup3r

  1. when is this band ever gonna put out something new?


    ...did I hear right that Mercer wants to take a hiatus from The Shins until 2011? :hmm




    well he's in that new side project, Broken Bells. i think that's as close as we're getting to The Shins. Didn't they get a new drummer and bass player last year? I know Mercer had some material worked up...guess he decided not to use it. bah.

  2. New Morning is an incredible album. It's probably Dylan's best "minor masterpiece," and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. It's a really, really good album, because it's so relaxed, and simple. There's plenty to like about it.


    exactly. production values are kinda low, but the songs make up for it. Sign In The Window and Time Passes Slowly are my favorite from it.

  3. New album = good news. Who would have guessed that Arcade Fire would be licensing songs to the NFL.


    the only reason they're doing it, i figure, is because Regine is from Haiti originally, and it's for a Haiti-related commercial.

  4. Same here. Someone should start a thread about bands you used to love, but now hate... I wore out their first record and now I can't stand to listen to it... I put in Contra and I'm just not feeling it.. I think they tried to be a little more adventurous on this album but it backfired. The autotune is what really did for me.


    i think the auto tune is only on one song..



    And quit with the Paul Simon comparison -- there's about 100,000 South African records that also sound like Paul Simon. It a style of music.


    for what it's worth, paul simon sounds like about 100,000 South African records. Although I always hear more west african on his stuff on Graceland.

  6. i just realized...


    Horchata = The Rugrats Theme


    ha! it is kinda similar.


    i'm liking the album. they'll always be a band for me that i can throw on and not have to think a lot about it. there's a place for that.


    ps - you can say what you want about the Paul Simon comparisons, but his voice is getting kind of similar to Paul's on this newest record. Musically not as much, but Ezra's voice is taking on that very 'soft' quality Paul's has always had to me.

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