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Posts posted by cooperissup3r

  1. I know I'm a late party attender, but who gives a shit?



    1. I CANNOT STAND RADIOHEAD. I think Thom Yorke is a whiny stuck up little boy, with a gigantic ego problem.


    2. I just don't get Led Zeppelin. What is the appeal?


    3. Freddie's voice is incredible, but Queen is vastly overplayed.


    3.5. Nirvana just plain sucks. Stop whining and grow up, Kurt.


    4. I hate these band names like "We Were Promised Jetpacks" and all this other pointless bullshit that end up on Hype Machine. Come to think of it, I hate that people get their music from something called "Hype Machine". The more obscure the band name, the most I go in with an instant prejudice against the music. And that's not good 'cause momma said prejudice is wrong.


    5. I really cannot stand the line "Take off your band-aid, 'cause I don't believe in touch downs" and despite loving every single piece of material Jeff Tweedy has ever written from his poetry book to Loose Fur, I can't help but cringe when I hear that line.


    1. word. Radiohead is ok. i've never understood how people just go apeshit over their music. Kid A (the song) is their peak, in my opinion.


    2. Led Zeppelin at this point in history is a total beating. not their fault they are overplayed, though.


    3. NO!


    3.5 YES!


    4. no opinion. who cares? they might be a genuinely good band. kinda like vampire weekend...i feel like i should hate them, but that shit is catchy.


    5. never bothered my that much. the rest of the song is too good to let two lines affect me much.


    Nope. Prefer John Cale's version above them all.



  2. arcade fire

    the national

    beach house


    i'm thinkin we might get somethin from Justin Vernon at some point. just feels like the follow up to For Emma is around the corner. Don't know if it'll be under the Bon Iver moniker, but I'm hoping he'll put out something soon.

  3. first thing id try is black tape over (actually UNDER looks better) the f-holes...get some distance from the amp and face away from the thing at all times...i bet that pickup sounds pretty sweet though, looks like an old version of a p90 rail...I had an epi Casino that i had to put foam inside to keep it down, but that killed it acoustically...


    ok i might give this a shot. i hate to cover the holes (even if i did it underneath them), but i guess i might have to. yeah the pickup is pretty cool. with a little overdrive it gets a really sweet sharp sound.

  4. nice!


    yeah it's a pretty nice guitar. i like it unplugged a whole lot. it sounds nice through my little 10 watt amp, but through my 40 watt Fender it has ungodly feedback...any tips for damping the feedback? it sounds nice when it isn't just wailing like a dying banshee. i'm not used to playing a true hollow body guitar.

  5. i think this solo is pretty badass. i'm as impressed as i was when i saw it four years ago.


    one reason prince is getting so much credit as being the 'next' jimi or whatever is because he does something most other 'guitar gods' fail to do (and i happen to believe it is the key to being "great" at anything) ... use discretion. when you give 'em just a little, they come back wanting more. prince doesn't flood his albums with solo after solo, and he doesn't really ever bring up the fact that he's a badass on the guitar, or that he plays pretty much every other instrument out there pretty damn well, too.

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