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Posts posted by cooperissup3r

  1. There are four video clips in the link above. I'm listening to the China Cat/Rider right now and it's pretty good. They've got a trumpet in the mix which is cool.


    although you can't really hear Bob, "daughters of the soho riots" is really good.

  2. Question: I kind of stopped listening to the GD a few years back, but remember that someone found a bunch of keith godchaux's (i think) tapes from the late '71 tour that no one had ever heard. did those ever get released at any level?

  3. Andrew Bird is one of those artists that I really loved at first, but my interest quickly dropped off a cliff for some reason. Definitely looking forward to giving this a listen though.


    i think maybe because all of his stuff sounds very similar. he never changes up much from his formula. or maybe not. i know for me, i can only listen to so much of his stuff due to it all having the same general tone/feel.

  4. I'm with ya, Analogman. The Dead and The Allmans were not jam bands, Phish and the Spin Doctors and Widespread Panic are/were. The Dead and The Allmans are in another league of greatness in the spectrum of American roots-based rock music. Jam bands noodle without sufficient grounding and background/influence in traditional American musical forms, and with far weaker songwriting, IMO.


    although i've been off the jamband train for quite a while, to say that Phish doesn't have a background/influence in traditional american music is just ignorance. They have moonlighted as a jazz band mulitple times, and have played plenty of straight bluegrass. They're a jack of all trades band that could really do just about anything they want (minus sing really well).

  5. couldn't disagree more.


    it took me until today to finally like the new Bon Iver after getting it and listening to it first on tues (and many, many, many times after) whereas the fleet foxes was more immediate for me (if we are to continue, for some reason, comparing these two bands).


    where is the basis of this comparison? they are two indie bands with new lps out this year, but that is where the comparisons, in my mind, stop, so I don't get why some here are saying this album is better than that album or vice versa.


    but whatever.


    I'm leaving it as "I like the new album" (of both well-respected, sincere and hard-working bands).


    the basis of the comparison is that i'm comparing Bon Iver, Bon Iver to Helplessness Blues and I like the former better than the latter. that's about

    where it begins and ends. I like one more than the other. I happen to feel like the Fleet Foxes are really really really boring.

  6. Ridiculous review. Especially in light of his praise for the hookless and tuneless Fleet Foxes album. I'm a little surprised that this album is garnering some backlash. I guess it's inevitable, though.


    it is inevitable. the record is miles better than the Fleet Foxes record, though. the derogatis review doesn't really provide any kind of reason why he doesn't like it. it's just him bitching. whatever. the record is a major grower, but it gets there (for me, anyway...i've been listening to it non-stop for about two weeks now).

  7. 519INieOT3L._SL500_AA300_.jpg


    Okay, so I haven't heard all of it yet. Those that have, is the rest of it on par with Calgary? If so, I can't wait. I love that song.


    PS - he's touring with The Rosebuds... have my copy of their new one on order as well...





    at first i was kind of disappointed with the record, but i'm really liking it a lot now. it's a grower.

  8. Trying not to compare it to For Emma. I think even as a standalone record it's a good record, but it's just lacking something...I don't know exactly what. I really honestly think that it's that the lyrics are unintelligible and pretty unrelatable as a whole. I'm sure I'll be spinning it off and on, but I don't know that it'll get the kind of rotation that For Emma got back in 2008.


    I think the lack of "negative" space in the music is also hurting it a bit. Everything is *so* layered and busy sounding on every track. Nothing seems to breathe much.

  9. honestly, i love Justin, but his lyrics have never been his strong suit...

    they've always been really abstract and sometimes to the point of mindless


    there were some really WTF lyrics on For Emma too.


    i dunno. i think he can turn a good phrase or two when he really puts his mind to it. I thought For Emma, while some of the lyrics are a bit WTF, made sense in its own context. I literally have NO idea what any of these songs are about.


    ps- DYE had some solid lyrics on Silent Signs, too.

  10. "acrost" - really?? " to fide", "fane"??


    The music better be really good.




    the words are almost unintelligible anyway. i guess he was going for sound more than word meaning.

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