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Head in a Guillotine

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Everything posted by Head in a Guillotine

  1. Via Chicago- It fits the guidelines and will be fun for them to dissect. You could also use Hotel Arizona or Lonely 1.
  2. The Fleet Foxes are playing a free show, along with four other bands, at the Jay Pritzker Pavillion (Chicago) this Thursday as a part of Pitchfork Music Festival Preview Night. The show begins at 6:30 PM, and I was wondering if anyone had any information on what time Fleet Foxes are expected to come on. I'd love to see them live.
  3. Has anyone seen Backyard Tire Fire live? And if so, how was the show? I've never heard of the band until today, but a friend of mine highly recommended them. I'm considering driving to Summerfest to see them in about a week.
  4. Workingman's Blues #2 is comparable to Dylan's songs on those records IMO.
  5. I think I can help you out. E-mail me at jdubray@nd.edu if you still want the ticket.
  6. I'm really not sure, but I'll just tell you what I hear when I usually listen to the song. I think that its about how a person's relationships trump anything else in his life, which is really a theme that spans all of Jeff's writing. Its about how despite the forces surround you in life (the wind and sun in this song) what your happiness always comes back to is the one person who really matters to you, that one person who gives your life any sort of meaning. Without that person, you seem to be completly aliented from all of society (the "muzzle of bees") and all of nature (the "sun" and "wi
  7. A response I posted: David- Your analysis of 5 of the 6 six Wilco albums was pretty good, representing the basic views of music reviewers for popular newspapers. Yet, your comments about SBS, and your linked review, have serious flaws. First of all, you probably only listened to SBS once, or a couple times. The first time that I listened to SBS, I was somewhat disappointed. Yet, after multiple listens I saw the brilliance of the record. Maybe you could argue that a record ought to hit you over the head the first time you listen to it, but I don't think that's true. SBS is Tweedy's B
  8. Bump...I didn't just get on this site for this...I'm just a post less, read more type of person.
  9. I'm a college student in DC and would like up to 5 Wilco tickets (For my friends and myself). I'll take one if that's all you have, and go by myself. Thanks in advance. jdubray@nd.edu
  10. Did Tweedy participate on their 1998 release, "Weird Tales"?
  11. I need 2 9:30 Club Tickets to either night. E-mail @ jdubray@nd.edu.
  12. I tried for RSVD but was unsuccessful...I was actually able to get 1 lawn ticket at some point in clicking back and forth, but I would prefer to wait until Saturday and see what happens then
  13. This is my first post and therefore my opinions on this issue reflect that of a relatively new Wilco fan (Saw my first concert Summerfest in '06 and also saw them at Lollapalooza)...I am only ranking the studio albums. ST AGIB YHT AM SBS BT I guess this ranking reflects the view of a fan who likes Wilco first and foremost for Tweedy's lyrics and secondly for their ability to provide originality in both their studio albums and live shows.
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