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Posts posted by NationalDust

  1. Since there's no Black Flag trivia thread and you didn't really ask a question there I guess I won't mention that Raymond Pettibon is actually Greg Ginn's brother.


    Black Flag ->(bass player) Kira Roseler -> (married) Mike Watt -> (played bass in) Minutemen -> (headed by guitarist) D. Boon


    Everything relates except the whiskey comments :lol

  2. Egan, of course.


    Edit: Who is Egan.


    Poor Egan, he was in the band for like five minutes before he kind of... phased out. He showed up for the Mermaid Avenue thing in Dublin and the guys were pretty much like "Why are you here?" Billy Bragg took him in, though, and he toured with him for a while.


    It's kind of sad... Egan was so excited about being in Wilco that he sold his business and then he was in the band for a very short period of time.

    Sorry about my rambling :mellow

  3. apparently the lyrics of the album Summerteeth were so frightening, that Bennett and Tweedy did their best with the bells and whistles to kind of try to detract attention from them. At least that's what I read...


    If you're interested in useless trivia, though, the name summerteeth comes from a stupid joke: "I got summerteeth... summerteeth and some are not."

  4. Big Bird (well, the actor anyway)??


    edit: or Bob.....someone from Sesame Street


    It was Bob


    Here we go: What kind of cigarettes does Jeff Smoke in the film I Am Trying To Break Your Heart? (I specified because I don't know if he still smokes)

  5. I like Hey Chicken, but when I first heard it my first thought was that it was about Farrar. I'm 99% sure it isn't--or about JB either--at least I hope to hell not, because that would just be kind of sad. But that thought colored my interpretation of the song for a long time.

    You guys are nuts. There is a theme to the record - it's largely Jeff and Jim mocking the ideals of the religious Right. There's only really 4 songs out of the 10 that don't follow this theme of mocking organized religion. Hell, even with a stretch you can say that Jim's song "Answers" is about him no longer listening to God (as opposed to something a little more light theme-wise, a human relationship that Jim as the narrator had abandoned).


    "Hey Chicken" is a direct shot on how the religious Right think that their ways are better than everyone else's and how they want everyone to follow their rules. It scares them that there are people like Jim and Jeff who totally ignore them (I'm running free in the back of your head), and even call them out as hypocrites (Hey chicken, you're all talk!). It's a big slap in the face from Loose Fur.


    It was just a question, I don't think I deserve to be called "nuts" for it. I picked up on the theme, but it could've been that they were calling out all kinds of people, not necessarily all of them having to do with religion, you know?

  6. For hardcore Wilco fans: Post a question and try to stump the rest of the board. The person who answers has to post another question and so on... no points will be awarded for correct answers and no feelings will be hurt for incorrect answers. If you stmp everyone, you win a bajillion dollars... (not)


    Of course, you could always use Google to find answers, but that would be cheating and your feet would promptly be chopped off. That is.. if anyone actually had a way to find out about it :D


    Okay, first question: What was Wilco's Original lineup? (the first one known as Wilco after UT busted up)

  7. News flash: too much of anything is bad for you.


    apparently not vitamin C... or oxygen... so nyah


    Caution: Generalization/Hypothesis coming....


    Diet coke drinkers all seem to be addicted to diet coke. They drink inordinate amounts of diet cokes in a day. Much more so than diet pepsi drinkers.


    I was thinking the same, actually... but not the part about moreso than DP drinkers. Most people who drink diet sodas tend to totally be addicted no matter what brand. Also, they hate the opposite brand and refuse to drink it. It's weird.

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