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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. Seriously you guys, how many dissenting scientists does the UN/IPCC have to wrongly imprison, strong arm, murder or make disappear before you guys wake up and smell what they and Algore is cooking?
  2. From what I understand, he’s not seeking reelection – meaning, he will finish out his term. Palin, on the other hand, beat a hasty retreat midterm. i.e. simply quit.
  3. I see some sort of hybrid creature with a human head impaled on what has to be some sort of defensive device used to stave off a raccoohuman attack.
  4. News of an affair to follow in 10...9...
  5. I can't see it (websense), but, ummm.... there's a picture at the end of that quote, huh?
  6. I agree, but by and large, we’ve removed ourselves from that system, and rather than live within it, we have manipulated it on a grand scale, and for a while, it worked (and continues work) to our benefit – but now it appears as though we are seeing the effects of those changes, and the bill is in the post, with interest. It is estimated that prior to industrialization, the planet’s carrying capacity sat somewhere in the neighborhood of one billion – there are now six billion of us – and our ability to sustain that number comes largely by way of artificial, unsustainable, i.e. unnatural means.
  7. Climate change has been the norm throughout the earth’s history, however, the behavior of an individual species directly contributing to and/or driving planetary-wide change is, insofar as we know, unprecedented. With regards to dinosaurs, tree living is a sacrifice I’d be willing to make for a glimpse, hopefully not too brief a glimpse, of a living breathing t-rex or maybe even just one of those less impressive duck-bills.
  8. Now this could get very interesting indeed - from Andrew Sullivan: Cheney: "I Was A Big Supporter Of Waterboarding" That seems to me to be the big news out of Jonathan Karl's interview with the former vice-president today. There is not a court in the United States or in the world that does not consider waterboarding torture. The Red Cross certainly does, and it's the governing body in international law. It is certainly torture according to the UN Convention on Torture and the Geneva Conventions. The British government, America's closest Western ally, certainly believes it is torture. No le
  9. Meh – the dude has been disrespectful from the get go, and, with the exception of posting links, links that are, by and large, opinion pieces, hasn’t contributed much beyond them, these links. He stated that he doesn’t bother reading any of the links other folks post, so, I see no reason to extend much by way of respectful discourse, as he seems more interested in playing cutesy. The same goes for Futureage – who, unless you take him at his word, you’re just a mindless, corporate sponsored lamb. Many of his opinions are about half right, but then he draws crazy inferences from them, and shares
  10. Comments? Why bother? You have nothing to add to this discussion, and your understanding of climate science is simply pitiful. If you want to put the evidence on a scale, the side in favor of AGW would far outweight the opposition by many orders of magnitude. I could, if I cared to bother, find links from folks who still deny evolution and the age and origins of the planet and/or universe, but really, what would be the point?
  11. Everytime you do this, I think of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9BGgYbgb0
  12. Once again, though the differences have been starkly pointed out to you on numerous occasions, you don't seem to understand, or are unwilling to understand the difference between climate and weather. I'd post the definitions again, but really, what's the point? I have no idea if the current crop of storms were or were not related to climate change, but the fact that WARMER air holds moisture, and colder, dryer air does not, is like, science. And like my toddlers They Might Be Giants CD says, science is real. Maybe this will help you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty33v7UYYbw
  13. I don't know what to tell you, dude, it's pretty self explanatory.
  14. Let's not forget... Rush Limbaugh Bill O’Reilly Ann Coulter Michelle Malkin Laura Ingraham Rick Scarborough Glenn Beck Michael Savage Hugh Hewitt John Ziegler
  15. Well, if that's true, God is deaf insofar as The Weather Girls are concerned.
  16. Unless you can provide compelling evidence to the contrary (and you cant, because, outside of the cottage conspiracy industry, none exists), the UN is doing (more or less) precisely what it was established to do, from wikipedia (I know I know, the New World Orderers have their hands all over that site, but maybe take your foil cap off for a second and like, humor me): “…it is primarily associated with the ideological notion of global governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of individual states t
  17. OK, listen, just because YOU do not understand (even remotely, apparently) the science behind climate change, doesn’t mean the mechanisms by which it “works” don’t exist – the only thing you are making apparent, blindingly I might add, is your own ignorance – but keep it up, your cluelessness is vastly entertaining, just maybe not in the way you intend. If you have any self respect left, walk away – just walk the fuck away.
  18. You really just don’t get it, it’s embarrassing. I'll bet you a bazillion Amero's I'm not, oh wait, we can't wager Ameros because they don't fucking exist.
  19. You, sir, are the absolute fucking king of drawing false inferences. As was the case when you quoted “facts” regarding the Amero, and the internment camps that would be created in response to the H1N1 virus.
  20. John Coleman's post via D Dog - debunked. http://www.uscentrist.org/about/issues/environment/john_coleman Excerpt: Mr. Coleman seems to not understand the difference between meteorology and climatology. The study of human caused Global Warming is 'not' predominantly "the science of meteorology". Meteorology has to do with the weather, which involves short term regional events. Global Warming has to do with Climatology which involves long term climate trends and influences. Nasa: The difference between weather and climate. meteorology 1 : a science that deals with the atmosphere and
  21. No we won’t, because the UN, aka, One World Government, will have taken not only our nation’s sovereignty, but they’ll have control of our thoughts as well, on account of them aliens they’re in cahoots with - fucking no good traitors to the earth.
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