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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. For the same reason that when attempting to correct a problem, we usually try to find its root cause. When my car breaks down, in order to fix it, I have to know the problem. If I bring it to the garage, and my mechanic takes a look and says, yep, it’s the starter, we can fix that – however, if he looks at it and says, looks like gremlins and ghosts have put a hex on your engine, well, it will never get fixed. I see a similar situation here, to simply matters, health care is broken, we can disagree on the extent of its brokenness, but for many folks, its broken - on one side, we have folks
  2. I’m not so sure – the “c” word, or the even more popular, “s” word, didn’t enter popular thought spontaneously, it was intentionally planted by the right and its spokesmen and women. I understand and share the nation’s frustration, but if we’re going to find a way out of this mess, we have to deal with hard cold facts, and not an agenda based on almost entirely on all fear, all the time. Voting is important, but what’s even more important, is being an educated voter – learning how to filter out the spin from both parties and the media is vital to being a responsible and informed citizen/adult
  3. When the reason you give for voting for a given candidate, is that you want to take the country back from the hands of communists, when, in fact, it was never even remotely close to being controlled by communists, something has gone dreadfully wrong. I can understand being opposed to the health care bill for philosophical or fiscal reasons, but when you start voting based on what the Glenn Beck’s of this world have to say, well, again, something is really wrong. It’s like saying you oppose abortion because they make little zombie soldiers out of the aborted fetuses – it’s fucking crazy. The
  4. This is taken from an article on Salon, in reference to why folks, many of them independents, voted for Brown: "We watched what was happening in Washington and just saw this insane spending," Charlotte Mastroianni, a retired nurse who attended the Brown party with her husband, explained. Mastroianni described herself as an independent voter, but said she hadn't been involved in politics for 30 years. But last year, she and her husband joined Glen Beck's 9/12 Project, traveling to Washington for the September rally. "They're just remarkable, remarkable people. Wonderful people," Mastroia
  5. In the way it was intended to be understood, it was a complete lie. And, as the article I linked to points out, the McCain campaign pretty much penned her message: McCain HQ had suggested the following line: "This is not a man who sees American as you and I do -- as the greatest force for good in the world. This is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country." At the event, Palin said this: "Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists
  6. When their name is Sarah Palin, and she whips crowds into a frenzy with her claim that Obama palls around with terrorists? "Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country. This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America." - Sarah Palin http://politics.theatlantic.com/2009/07/pals_around_with_terrorists_palin_wasnt_rogue_after_all.php
  7. True, but given that her stance on the “issues” is not far removed from Kennedy’s, I think there is something more at play here.
  8. Perhaps you don’t pay attention, and given your terse, one or two sentence responses to most political topics, I’m going to guess that, by and large, you don’t, it is true, the GOP has been running on and selling little more than fear for the past few elections. Obama’s campaign may have been hollow, but he didn’t crisscross the nation accusing McCain of being a Muslim, in league with Middle Eastern and lefty terrorists – among a hundred other false accusations – several of which are STILL being bandied about by Republicans. Can you provide examples in which the Democrats made similar, whac
  9. As a Massachusetts native (now living in New Hampshire), I wish that were true. Despite its deeply blue state aura, we can be every bit as red in our thinking (and voting) as, say, Georgia. Following Kennedy’s death, and prior to Coakley, this started out looking like tit on a tray for the Democrats, election-wise, but the GOP has done an excellent job of injecting a strong dose of fear and misinformation into the “debate”, so that rather than vote based on facts, most folks are casting a ballot in favor of fear, or Brown’s admittedly fashionable coif.
  10. I added the ill-informed part, and as your reply was a reply to my reply, I was really quoting myself. I agree, the slogans surrounding Obama’s campaign were, by and large, every bit as hollow – the distinction being, and I think it’s an important one, he didn’t run a campaign based almost entirely on fear, and not only fear, but false fears. The fear that the US is being run by socialists and communists – which, by any metric, is entirely false.
  11. Given what the Republican Party has become, ideologically pure, yet batshit insane, you could say that. Edit: His platform, when he actually expresses a platform outside of lowering taxes, appears to amount to little more than, “Take back America”, which, as has been noted, from whom exactly? For the answer to that, see my previous post – it’s not what I’m saying, it’s what they are, and that’s the platform on which he’s chosen to run – and if that’s why you’re voting for him, well, as ikol pointed out, you’re an ill informed fuckhead (I’m not referring to you of course).
  12. To protect us from socialism, fascism, communism, gays, atheists, science and whatever else you got.
  13. Meh – the fuckheads of this country will get exactly what they deserve. The angry tea-bagging fuckheads are the same fuckheads who gave that Bush fuckhead the keys to the mansion, twice, and now those fuckheads are angry because Obama hasn’t miraculously fixed the mess these fuckheads helped create, they’re not self-aware enough to even begin to understand their role in this mess - so fuck’em.
  14. From Andrew Sullivan (and it's not pretty ) A Looming Landslide For Brown Democrats can stop hoping at this point. I can see no alternative scenario but a huge - staggeringly huge - victory for the FNC/RNC machine tomorrow. They crafted a strategy of total oppositionism to anything Obama proposed a year ago. Remember they gave him zero votes on even the stimulus in his first weeks. They saw health insurance reform as Obama's Waterloo, and, thanks in part to the dithering Democrats, they beat him on that hill. They have successfully channeled all the rage at the massive debt and recessi
  15. Don’t – it’s like her name was picked from a hat in error, and she refuses to concede that it was just an error, and the prize really is hers.
  16. And right on queue, Limbaugh chimes in: Limbaugh: 'We've Already Donated To Haiti, It's Called US Income Tax' Well, it didn't take long for conservative firebrand Rush Limbaugh to use the crisis in Haiti to attack President Obama politically. On his radio show yesterday Limbaugh said the earthquake in Haiti will play right into Obama's hands by allowing him to play up his "compassionate" and "humanitarian" credentials, and that the President will use this crisis to "boost his credibility with the black community." As if that weren't enough, Limbaugh also pivoted off a caller who compla
  17. So, who would you like to see play the part of Lamrod in the future tragidrama?
  18. If caught, texting while driving should result in the immediate suspension of the texters license for six or more months, and an equally long refresher course on how not to be a total fucking asshole/moron while driving, and elsewhere.
  19. I always like it when someone sends me an email, and then immediately walks over to my desk to ask if I got and/or read the email, right before they recite the contents of the email. I also enjoy sitting next to a guy who uses “with regards to that”, “certainly” and “per se” in every fucking sentence that comes out of his mouth - constantly. As a result of this, on more than one occasion, I have awakened from a daydream to find myself browsing Smith & Wesson’s website - completely unawares, with a credit card in my hand, and a smile on my face.
  20. Sarah Palin will headline first-ever Tea Party Convention http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2010/0106/Sarah-Palin-will-headline-first-ever-Tea-Party-Convention Only in a bad sitcom of a country as dumb as this could a shallow, transparent know-fucking-nothing rise to power and lead a movement – honest to Christ. Should she find herself president, please, Europe, I am begging you, come to our aid and smoke this crazy bitch, occupy our lands and help us administer a health care system we probably don’t really even deserve. After fighting for our independence all those years ago, more and
  21. Wait but aren't you still the dude who predicted we'd all be using Ameros by right about now, and that the swine flu would result in quarantines, internment camps and Marshall Law?
  22. Real men, like, say, Matt Z, don't water down their booze - they drink it straight and they like it, and when they're done, they immediately order another. Even realer men don't pussy around with glasses, they just drink straight from the bottle.
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