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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. I haven’t been to the mall in years and years, for many reasons, most of them having to do with not liking people all that much (and the fact that most no longer play host to an arcade), especially in such large concentrations. When I shop, I do it online (where there are lots of games).
  2. This just in from where our forces are fighting on the planet Earth, the year 2750 – the War in Afghanistan will have a new leader
  3. I don't know from odor, but while driving to Florida, I did notice that the skin tone of most of the people being pulled over on the Jersey Turnpike was brown - make of that what you will.
  4. Subscription to Discover Magazine.
  5. I'm a little shocked that no one has mentioned Meatballs 1, 2, and 3, frankly.
  6. I don’t know if a religion based on the claims of a convicted huckster could ever viewed as anything less than extreme, even in its mildest forms. It’s just flat out nuts.
  7. It died, but then came back to “life” as a filthy, unstoppable oil spewing zombie.
  8. It’s touching that God, creator of the universe and everything in it, would take so much interest in a real estate feud taking place here on earth. I feel so warm and special. Maybe Jesus really does want us as his sunbeams.
  9. Yep – I’m just relieved that a fair number of our politicians’ foreign policy views are directly attributable to biblical prophecies, and not like, worthless old reality – it really bodes well for the continued longevity of this neat little civilization thing we’ve got going here.
  10. Sarah shares her wisdom regarding that little mishap involving Israel and Gaza bound aid supplies - suprisingly, she comes down on the side of the Israeli commandoes who just sort of found themselves on a ship located in international waters, and were not quite as warmly welcomed as anticipated - take this you lousy liberal media: Israeli Flotilla: Don't Take Mainstream Media Coverage at Face Value The media, as usual, seems to be reporting only one side of the Israeli Flotilla incident. Don't trust the mainstream media to give you both sides of a story fairly... you must seek out fair re
  11. Pork chops, raindrops, belly flops and hatin' cops.
  12. I can't wait to play (i.e. afford) that one. At the moment, I'm totally addicted to Fallout 3.
  13. I’m a big fan of difficult fiction and fiction and stories that do not provide easy answers or resolutions. But It struck me as little late in the game, and a little too convenient for the writers to suddenly insist that in the end, the mysteries they wove for six years really didn’t matter, because, like, life is a mystery. Which, is true of course, and all well and good, but as writers and a storytellers, I think they have (had) a responsibility to provide answers to some of the questions raised – for example, Walt’s specialness and why children could not be conceived on the Island. These c
  14. As a vehicle to answer all of life’s big questions/mysteries? Yes. Invoking god doesn’t answer questions or invite inquiry, on the contrary, imo, it does the opposite, it boils existence and all its complexities down to one, one size fits all answer to just about any question you’d care to raise.
  15. If there are answer hounds among us, it probably has something to do with the writers being red herring hounds. Sure, the show was about the characters, but I would include the Island among them. As others have pointed out, the characters were great and all, but if the show did not incorporate the mysteries surrounding the Island, Dharma, etc – we’d be watching something a little bit closer to Grey’s Anatomy meets Gilligan’s Island than what the show eventually became.
  16. Unanswered questions http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936291
  17. The whole new industry push of – “you all now all of sudden need 3-D TV” is one of the more ridiculous and totally unnecessary marketing trends to have come around in a long while.
  18. Has everyone forgotten this slightly important piece of the puzzle?
  19. I didn't say I did not understand the episode, I'm just saying I found it lacking - in many ways, too many to begin listing at 12:30 on a work night.
  20. Wow, that was a really shitty conclusion to a great show.
  21. The Principal and the DA should both be fired immediately for showing such piss poor judgment - honest to christ...
  22. The mother essentially ceded her authority to the police, which, to me, is not unlike a mom or dad saying, “wait until mom/dad gets home.” Which, is a great way to sort of teach your child that mom/dad is the true authority where discipline is concerned, not yourself. At the end of the day, I simply do not believe there is ANY context (outside of say, a school play) that justifies handcuffing and/or mock arresting a 5 year old child. If, as has already been pointed out, his playing (fascination) with matches (fire) appears to be chronic, or symptomatic of a possible psychological condition,
  23. Yep – and ultimately, her actions amount to little more than an elaborate and totally blown out of all proportion case of – “Wait until your father gets home!”
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