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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. What evidence do you have to support this belief? Are you in possession of information biblical scholars, the pope, etc, are not? Exactly, so which is it? How do you square passages such as
  2. Hey Gary, why not flex your free will and simply stop clicking in that other thread?
  3. Caliber66 got all up in my shit for speculating the following (I'm making a funny here Caliber.) "I imagine there was quite a bit of wrangling going on behind the scenes vis a vis the British and Sudanese governments. Had this story never reached the light of day, she would probably have been subjected to much, much worse
  4. So, underneath that religion hides a nihilist? For your own sanities sake, let us hope that nothing ever comes along to shatter your faith.
  5. Well, the same could be said of war, without war lots and lots of great music, art, etc would never have been created, but that does not justify war
  6. I was being facetious, and I certainly understand your point, but you also stated that speculating on the behavior of a government with one of the worst human rights records in relation to this case was
  7. I imagine there was quite a bit of wrangling going on behind the scenes vis a vis the British and Sudanese governments. Had this story never reached the light of day, she would probably have been subjected to much, much worse
  8. Or, if you do something bad, you can simply repent, and god will absolve you of your sins
  9. Science has afforded you the luxury of thinking such thoughts, otherwise, you might be out there licking water from the carapace of a dung beetle, with little time left over to reflect on gods existence. Am I somehow less moral because I do not believe in a higher power? I could argue that life becomes much more precious when we remove the belief in an after life, and that maybe we would stop treating the here and now as a simple dress rehearsal for what supposedly comes next. And that maybe people wouldn
  10. I have, and like I said, many egos were bruised, friendships lost, but no one declared scientific Jihad on the proponents of an opposing theory.
  11. Exactly, and that is what I love about science, new discoveries, are, for the most part, met with enthusiasm
  12. And that is fine, I have no issue with the way in which you express your individual faith. But not all religiously minded folk are as reasonable as you, EL. I know that is a generalization, but without actual names and address
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